Play Your Demon Minis In New Skirmish Game: Reign in Hell

Reign in hellWant to play with your favorite demon minis in a new game? Reign in Hell from Snarling Badger Studios is the game to check out!

Sometimes you just love your minis but want a new setting to play them in. In this new game, you don’t have to use dedicated minis but can play with any you have around. That means you can get into a totally new game without spending a boatload of cash!

The game is a fight for dominion over Hell, which can only mean one thing, insanely brutal demonic combat! On top of that though, there is also an in-depth campaign system built in. So if you want a lasting battle with your friends, this gives you all the tools. Let’s check it out!

Reign in Hell: PDF 10$ Book $15

Reign in hell 3Let’s hear a little from them about the game:

Reign in Hell allows you to use whatever demon models you’d like to represent the denizens of Hell that make up your cabal. Demons you already own, or maybe those cool demon models you’ve always wanted to build and paint from a certain manufacturer? Or maybe you want to 3D print something, or kitbash or sculpt your exact creative idea? Have fun!

Reign in hell feature rKeeping each player constantly invested in the action of a game is one of the main design goals of the ruleset. While activation order is variable every turn, each player still has control over the activations within their cabal, bringing in-depth strategic choices to bear. Through movement, Combat Styles, and more – it’s never boring.

Reign in hell 2Does your cabal strive to return Hell to its former glory? Or does it try to bring about its final destruction? The campaign system not only helps to tell the story of the victories and failures of your cabal, but also the stories of your individual demons – through Relics, Essences, and Titles that each demon can gain over the course of the campaign.

That does it for this one, just a really cool game system for you all to try out!

Get The Rules Here!