GW Reveals Dominion & AoS 3.0 Pre-Order Dates!

pre-order-dominion-Aos-Age-of-sigmar-GWGW just revealed the pre-order dates and lineup for the big AoS 3.0 and Dominion limited-edition box set release!

Warhammer Community just let us in on all the new releases available for pre-order on the 19th of June and in-stores on the 3rd of July.

Just last weekend we had the full online preview for this boxset, which you can catch up on in our previous article right here.

The big question is will the ridiculous allocations continue?

GW Reveals Dominion & AoS 3.0 Pre-Order Dates!

dominion book & box


dominion minisDominion is full to bursting with glorious Warhammer goodness – two full armies, each with several units, a powerful Leader, and ample support. It also includes the full Core Book with an exclusive cover, plus loads of warscrolls and reference material.

inside dominion

The first thing you’ll find after pulling off the lid are the models. Sooooo many models, and every single one is amazing. There are nine frames of plastic loaded with 21 Stormcast Eternals and 39 Kruleboyz – the cunning new breed of orruk plaguing the Mortal Realms

Not to mention an exclusive art Core Rulebook, an intro booklet with scenarios to help you start playing, 14 warscrolls cards for the included models, and an Allegiance card for each army.

Age of sigmar 3.0 Rulebook

That seems pretty neat that they can put rules for the Allegiances on cards now, which could make updating the Battletomes a lot easier!

AoS Indomitus?

Now you might say to yourself “this looks awfully similar to Indomitus and the 9th edition update to Warhammer 40k”, and you would be right!

indomitus allThe contents structure is very similar, although this AoS box might be slightly bigger. In the stream, they mentioned it would also be around the same price but maybe not exactly.

So expect a price tag around the $200 mark. We did a full breakdown of it and projected prices if you’d like to check that out and compare for yourself.

Another huge change is board size! Just like with the 9th edition and Indomitus release, the Board size for AoS will shrink to match its 40k counterparts. That means you’ll be able to use Warcry mats to combine into a full-size AoS board, just like you can for Killteam and 40k.

This makes “kitchen table” games much easier and hopefully makes it easier on the newer players to pick up some games.

But the Starter box isn’t the only pre-order coming to herald in Age of Sigmar 3.0 Let’s break down the rest of what we know is on the way!

AoS 3.0 Core Rule Book

aos 3.0 core book

If you don’t like either of the launch factions, you’ll be able to order the full new core rule book on its own on June 19th!

AoS 3.0 Limited Edition Core Rule Book

aos 3.0 limited core bookOf course, you will also be able to lock in a limited edition version if you want to show off your hobby devotion.

AoS 3.0 Generals Handbook

Designed to work hand in hand with the new edition, this update brings together a host of changes and updates for your pitched battle games, including updated warscrolls for endless spells, new battleplans, and all the core rules of the game.

Path to Glory Diary 

Path to Glory is getting a revamp in the new edition. It will be very similar to the 40k Crusade system, so if you’ve tried that before and liked it, you might like the new Path to Glory as well!

Realmscape Objective Set

This set of six scenery pieces represents the trappings of a Dawnbringer Crusade settlement. Mark objectives during your games or use them to add some Era of the Beast spice to your games.

These would also go perfectly with the starter box if you and your buddy want to try some objective-based games!

Realmscape: Ghurish Expanse

Just like the terrain, these are meant to go hand-in-hand with the starter box, making for a pretty good board experience without the hassle of making a full table.

In the past, these cardboard tile sets have retailed for $50, which may be a bit too presumptuous on GW’s part we think.

AoS Combat Gauge

The Combat Gauge isn’t anything new, but it is getting a little update to launch with AoS 3.0. These are pretty nice for AoS since there aren’t as many long-range weapons or abilities.

New Citadel Base Paints

Alongside the new starter box, some themed paints will also be launching to make the buying experience that much easier to get that box cover look.

Black library banner new


This novel by Darius Hink plunges directly into the setting of the Era of the Beast as the Kruleboyz rise up and the Thunderstrike Stormcast Eternals take to the field.

Dominion Limited Editions

If you want you will also be able to get either of these two limited editions displaying either side of the starter box.

Do you like the look of these releases? Are you going pre-order the new AoS Dominion box?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!  

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