New Duradin & Age of Sigmar – Dwarf Rules SPOTTED!

By Rob Baer | June 26th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Rumors & News

duardin fyreslayer

Come see the more new rules that were spotted for the Age of Sigmar the new Duradin reboot that is coming our way in just a few short weeks!

Checkout the new rules that were spotted yesterday, but don’t forget your salt!

Source TGA


– Bretonnia
Louen 400 p.ts
Knights Errant 200 p.ts/8 models
Knights of the Realm 220 p.ts/8 models

Flamecannon 200 p.ts

– Warriors of Chaos
Hellcannon 300 p.ts
Archaon 320 p.ts

Limits are
1000pts 1-4 Leaders 2+ Battleline 0-2 Artillery 0-2 Behemoths any other units
2000pts 1-6 Leaders 3+ Battleline 0-4 Artillery 0-4 Behemoths any other units
2500pts 1-8 Leaders 4+ Battleline 0-5 Artillery 0-5 Behemoths any other units

What We’ve Seen So Far On The Rules:

Source: Alex Lakomy (facebook)


Update, more from the same guy:

have confirmed that summoning works as I said yesterday. You pay points only for bringing new units to battlefield so undead are safe with their standards returning models previously slain in battle.

Deep striking units are same as now.

Rules like phoenix returning on a 4+ work as written, you dont pay summon points for bringing it back to life, its part of model cost you pay at the start.

In addition to new Sylvaneth units there are also new units for orks and some renamed units for ogres in new yet unrevealed battletome

Source TGA


In addition to the above pic, here are the rest of the rumors so far courtesy of /tg/:

“All units have an assigned role.
Leader, Battleline, Behemoth, Artillery, no role.
Depending on points you play you are required/limited on number of units of each type you can take. Lets say we play 1000pts battle.
In that case you are required to take
2+ Battleline units
1-4 Leaders
0-2 Behemoths
0-2 Artillery
Any number of no role units

Some units have both types so they take up both slots at once.
Some units can become battleline if you take specific leader

Somehow I missed the part about summoning while taking photos but as far as I remember it works along the lines:
We play 1000 pts battle
You can decide to spent any of those points on summoning. So lets say you take 700 points on field and 300 points are “held in reserve: as summoning.
You summon any unit within said 300 points limit later in game. Points are used for summon so no recycling.

Armies build entirely of one Alliance are given extra rule. Generals can take 1 extra ability out of 6 predefined ones. Also there are 6 artefacts that can be taken by heroes at no additional cost.

Each alliance has its own set of
1 Battle Trait
6 Command Traits for your general
6 Artefacts that “any (non-unique) hero can be given one…”

Battle traits are
Death: For each wount or mortal wound suffered by DEATH unit within your army that is within 10″ of your General or another Hero from your army, roll a die. On a 6 or more the wound is negated.
Destruction: Roll a dice in your hero phase for each unit from your army that is within 6″ of General or another Hero from your army. The unit can move a number of inches equal to the dice roll, as if it were movement phase, but cannot run. This does not affect their ability to move again later in the turn.

Chaos: Roll a dice when you pick a Chaos unit to attack in combat that is within 8″ of general or other your hero. On a roll of 6 you can add 1 to all hit rolls for the unit in that phase.
Order: You can re-roll battleshock tests (in battleshock phase) for friendly Order units that are within 12″ of general or other hero in your army.

(order artifacts. chose one, no roll)

1. Attack in combat before anyone else (one use potion)
2. Improve Rend by 1, not for mounts
3. +1 Damage for one weapon
4. -1 to To Hit for enemies you wounded (for rest of battle)
5. Once per battle -1 to Hit for all enemies agains model with this artefact
6. Heal 1 wound in each of your hero phases. ”


Prime 360
Judicators 160pts per 5
Liberators 100pts per 5
vexillor 200pts
heraldor 120pts
venator 120pts
Celestant /on dracoth 100/220
Prosecutors hammers/javelins 100/80pts per 3models
Retributors 220 per 5
Stardrake 500/600pts
Drake cav 240pts per 2 models with concussors as exception at 280

Nagash is 900
Archaon is 700

Arielle is 620

New unit names are Tree Revenants and one other type of Revenants 100 pts/5 both
and Kurnoth Hunters (or something like that) 180pts/3

Kairos 300
Lord of Change 260
Great Unclean 240
Skarbrand 400
Bloodthirsters 280-360 depending on version
Verminlord 300
Keeper of Secrets 280″

NO POINTS or battlefield roles for any forge world units in the book.

Plus ironjaws pic (above) got posted.


generals handbook

What We Know about the new General’s Handbook

Source: GW (Facebook)

new age of sigmar competitive

Now look closer:


Tactics Strategy and careful army selection are the keys to victory? That sounds a lot different than the Age of Sigmar most of us are used to right?

Checkout this snippet from their Facebook post as well:

This event will make full use of the upcoming General’s Handbook,using the points values, warscrolls and battlefield roles listed theirin.

The Warlords is designed to make full use of the upcoming book, so careful army selection, strategy and battle tactics willl be key to winning the event.

Is this the Age of Sigmar you’ve been waiting for?

New Age of Sigmar Roundup

About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.