New Dwarf Team Miniatures Spotted for Blood Bowl

By Rob Baer | November 27th, 2016 | Categories: Blood Bowl, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Checkout the fresh new line-up of models that were spotted for Blood Bowl’s upcoming Dwarf team that were hidden in plain sight!

For some reason we reported that the new My Dugout app was coming out on December 5th, which proved to be incorrect as it released this weekend. If you download it and unlock the Death Zone Team Manager (similar to how you can unlock the points for AoS in that App if you buy the General’s handbook inside there) they will show you the pictures for some of the new Dwarf Team:

new-dwarf-blood-bowl new-dwarf-blood-bowl new-dwarf-blood-bowl

I’m digging that berserker for sure!

Let’s take a look at the team itself from our Deathzone review:


So unlike other teams they have no throwers or catchers (well the runners sorta are), just smash-mouth Blood Bowl at it’s finest.  Also note the Deathroller entry. Currently just like the other teams larger model entries, this model is currently not available as of yet and does not come in the team box.

If you haven’t picked it up yet the Death Zone is a 48 page supplement that features many of the rules and content we saw already included in the older copies of Blood Bowl. It also features the 7 new team types (well sorta new, veterans will recognize them from the existing indy league rules) and is pretty much a must have if you are planning to play Blood Bowl.

blood bowl death zone season one

To see the entire First Look Review, check out this video below.

Blood Bowl Death Zone Season One: $25

blood bowl death zone season one

Presenting a fantastic book filled with teams to get your season of Blood Bowl off to a riotous start – Death Zone Season 1! In this 48-page softback, you’ll find a wealth of new teams, star players and play options to expand and enhance your Blood Bowl experience.

In the book

Within Blood Bowl Death Zone: Season 1 you’ll find:

–        Details for 7 team types (Skaven, Nurgle, Dwarf, Elven Union, High Elf, Dark Elf and Wood Elf) with background, rosters and famous examples of each;
–        new official rules! Casualties, Expensive Mistakes, Play-offs, Glittering Prizes and more! Plus the official and sacred word of the great god Nuffle on the subject of running leagues – put your team roster together and play through a whole season of Blood Bowl, with all the victories, losses, touchdowns and injuries adding experience, growing your team into an unstoppable football juggernaut (possibly. If you win.)
–         an updated list of skills (a big list) and new game options to try out – Piling On! Dirty Players! Break Tackles! Diving Catches! Really Quite Horrible Mutations! More!;
–        updated rules for improving your team with the addition of coaching staff: Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Cheerleaders and Apothecaries;
–        rules for Exhibition Play;
–        the Hall of Fame – welcome the Bright Crusaders and the Orcland Raiders, along with their rosters;
–        Star Players! Eldril Sidewinder, Griff Oberwald, Grim Ironjaw, Guffle Pusmaw, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Jordell Freshbreeze, Mighty Zug, Morg ‘n’ Thorg, Prince Moranion, Roxanna Darknail and Varag Ghoul-Chewer – they’re a  in there;
–        official reference guides for each of the 7 team types in the book.

So in conclusion, we believe that the Death Zone Season One book is a must have if you are planning to play Blood Bowl. Head over to Games Workshop and snag your copy today!