This New Eldar GW Rumor Engine is a Gem!

Rumor Engine new GW header wal hor New Eldar or even Aelves may be on the horizon in the latest GW rumor engine that looks to be quite the ‘gem’.

Games Workshop just unveiled another new rumor engine and this time it looks like it could be Eldar/Aelves or even a Slaanesh model!  Check out the details of the latest model that looks to be on the way for 40k or AoS from Warhammer Community.

A Gem For Thought: GW 40k Rumor Engine

rumor engine 11-23-21Thanks to a unique gem, this bit is very easy to place. It is almost certainly either elvish, making it Eldar in 40k or Aelves in AoS, or possibly Hedonites of Slaanesh. That means it could easily be either 40k or AoS and even any of the various specialist games.

Sigvald the MagnificentThe new line of Hedonites of Slaanesh had a ton of these gems on their models, especially the updated Sigvald. However, Eldar and Aelves also use them, making it hard to choose between which. Additionally, the curved swords/daggers could also be any of those three factions, in the long run, really putting this bit up in the air.

We’ll just have to wait and see what the future holds!

Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

What do you think this is? Could this really be a new Slaanesh model?

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