By Rob Baer | December 24th, 2014 | Categories: End Times, Warhammer 40k Rumors


The portents are predicting a new Skaven Release in two weeks, and already the End Times rumors are pouring.

Take this with a grain of salt, as it’s possible these are just copy cat rumors off the White Dwarf Leak from earlier.

Courtesy of Faeit

via an anonymous source 
We saw the new cover art for endtimes 4. It’s rat caster riding some Monster with a cannon. (Sorry not to familiar with skaven)The new white dwarf has new skaven monsterous creature as the front covers but that’s all i saw. 

via another anonymous source 
Plastic Vermin Lord to make 5 different kits in white dwarf 49.

white dwarf 2 weeks from now will feature the release of a plastic 
vermin lord kit, will make 5 alternate models with different themes. 1 
Eshin, 1 Grey Seer, 1 Warlord, 1 Moulder and one supposed “Vermin King”.

Eshin one can be skitterleapt and gets re-rolls to cast skitterleap, grey 
seer one always gets 6 on the d6+1 part of warp lightning casts. No further 
information about the others or point costs, but alledgedly he’s going to 

be about the same dimesnsions as Nagash.