NEW Dark Angels Codex Pics & Leaks

By Rob Baer | June 22nd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

chaos dark angels
Will the Dark Angels Formations be just as good as their Space Marin cousins? Get in here and find out!

One of our readers has the book, and wants to share rules and photos. Come see part two of the new rules leaks.
Via Spikey Bits Reader a true son of The Lion 

There are 3 core Detachments.

The Demi Company is a Company Master/Chaplain, 3 tac squads, 1 assault squad, 1 Devastator squad, with 0-1 options for Veterans, Command Squad, and Dreadnoughts. Grants all models with grim resolve BS3 overwatch. If taken as part of the Lions Blade, that goes up to full bs overwatch. If two demi companies are taken in the Lions Blade, all transports are free.Ravenwing Support Squad. 3 Land Speeders and either a Darkshroud or Vengeance. They gain grim resolve, interceptor, and strafing run.
Grants the Ravenshield. Any Ravenwing unit that is within 24″ of this formation who is charged, this formation gets to overwatch them even though vehicles normally can’t overwatch. Wall of death can only be used if the speeders are within 6 inches of the friendly unit
Ravenwing Attack Squadron: Either a bike squad or attack bike squad, and either 1 speeder or a vengeance.
Attack Squadron: If the speeder or Vengeance scores a hit against their target, the bikes bikes from this formation have +1 bs when firing at the same target.
Summon the Deathwing: Deep striking Deathwing models don’t scatter if placed within 12″ of this formation. Formation must have started the turn on the board for this to take effect.
Almost forgot a formation. And I figured people want to see it since the bundle is for sale.
The Silence Squadron. 2 Nephilims and a Dark Talon. They come on as a single unit, no need for separate reserve rolls.
The stasis bomb won’t scatter, and causes a 2d6 initiative test picking the highest. If the warlord is slain in this way, you immediately gain D3 victory points. That rule is called capture run. (In order for the stasis bomb to trigger an initiative test you have to cause an unsaved wound. And it’s str 4 ap 5).
There are other formations but they seem to be like the boring space marine formations.
And there is a Deathwing formation also. Grants Deathwing Assault on turns 2 3 or 4. And the turn they arrive the basically get battle focus (run then shoot or shoot then run).
Requirements are Belial or just about any other terminator HQ, and 2 terminator squads.

Editor’s note; Sad news just hear Deathwing Assault is no longer on turn one, and only restricted to the formation, and turns 2,3,4.

Checkout the rest of the spoilers below

Dark Angels Roundup

Long War Episode 5 – Why Space Marines are OP?