NEW Fantasy 9th Rumors – Bases & Beyond

By Rob Baer | May 27th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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A few new rumors broke over night for Fantasy 9th Edition – Come see whats going ’round now!

First collected on El taller de Yila (translated to English)

Via Marcus Beli by Zamerion. The rumor comes from a guy who confirmed some things from GW, I do not care who is taking canes or who would be retail, for me it is the same !!!!

  • The 9th edition of Warhammer th come for summer
  • On the Bases: We play with square bases but after the departure of the 9th edition sold all models come with bases You round.
  • You can play with everything in the skirmish game mode. GW will bring movement trays for this mode.
  • For the listing will be much more freedom than now but using consolidated lists will be encouraged. There will be scenarios and objectives to keep (such as 40k) if you have a list of a consolidated army you will maintain the target enemy unit while having a close but instead if you have a more open not ready. They said something about a bonus points by killing the enemy commander. It will encourage play both styles but in different ways
  • A new faction, the humans will consist basically of Empire, Bretonnia and some new troops confirmed. It was very clear that is not going away any army.
  • All books and miniatures may be used in the 9th edition of Warhammer
  • 6 major factions (including combinations of independent book, see End Times).
  • Some existing units can ally with multiple factions.
  • The End Times sets the pattern for building restrictions armies.
  • Skaven will look much more Steampunk.
  • Glotkin becomes the “new” world.
  • Some factions despite being playable may have an uncertain future regarding news.
  • The world will change with the possibility of total destruction or being restored from the hands of capricious gods and mighty heroes
The last for today:
  • May 30 – Space Marines (week-1)
  • June 6 – Space Marines (week-2)
  • June 13 – Space Marines (week-3)
  • June 20 – Dark Angels (week-1)
  • June 27 – WFB 9th Releases begin

Some of these rumors match up with previous ones from last week, and beyond. Obviously more round base madness as well. Apply salt where necessary folks!

nurgle round

Don’t forget we saw this sweet double base clampack hit the shelves recently as well.

Checkout the rest of the Fantasy Rumors below

Fantasy 9th Rumor Roundup