New Fantasy 9th – What Happens Next?

By Rob Baer | June 3rd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

The End Times is over, come see what’s next for the Olde World.

Looks like Fantasy is set for a reboot in July, but will it be a full game? Several sources are saying yes, and some no.
Let’s take a closer look;
Yesterday’s spoiler in English via Mengel Miniatures (facebook)
11017196_820331418016319_7230565659931484086_n 11350629_820351068014354_1261660298273038244_n
Via Steve the Warboss

Age of Sigmar is not the Starter Set of the 9th Edition. It will be a Board Game like Space Hulk or Execution Force and with this Set, the Releases of the 9th Edition will begin.

via Faeit 5-29-2015

“Age of Sigmar will be not the first part of a Three-Part Ruleset in the 9.Edition, it will be the Name of the first Starter Set. The Set includes Simplyfied Fantasy Rules, based on the new Edition with Skimisher Rules. Age of Sigmar will be an easy and “cheap” introduction for new People and the first Release of the new Edition. Soon after the Set GW will release the Full Rulebook with full skimisher and standard Rules. Later in this Year, there will be a classic Starter Set like the previous with two Armies and a Full Mini-Rulebook.”
I guess we’ll see who has the better rumors in a few weeks!

Fantasy 9th Rumor Roundup