New Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Armigers & More

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityForge World has the adorable new Adeptus Titanicus Armigers and Necromunda pre-orders along with Van Saar models now available!

We saw all of these previewed not too long ago but you can order them right now! Let’s start with the new releases that are on pre-order now, then look at the releases that are now available.

 Adeptus Titanicus Armigers Helverins & Warglaives: $50

forge world pre-orders

The Armiger Helverin flanks enemy forces and scours the battlefield of light targets with their twin Autocannons, while two Armiger Warglaives charge headlong into the foe and punch above their weight with Thermal Spears and mighty Chain-cleavers.

They may be small but that doesn’t mean they can’t turn the tide in your favor! Plus, they look pretty cute on the battlefield next to all those titans!

Mechanicum Knights Moirax: $50

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Mechanicum Knights Moirax are more commonly found in the Omnissiah’s forces, and use esoteric weaponry to deflagrate their foes in a storm of lightning and energy beams. Each set contains one Knight Moirax armed with a Volkite veuglaire and a Gyges siege claw, and two more armed with twin lightning locks.

These guys have some really cool weapons and should be a fun addition to any AT army out there!

Necromunda banner

Escher Khimerix: $38

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House Escher’s chemical trade requires a constant influx of strange creatures, which they use for proscribed genetic experiments deep within the underhive. The Escher Khimerix is one such creation, a horrifying amalgam that is nonetheless popular among those gangs bold enough to tame one. 

When you see this charging you in the Underhive, the fight just won’t seem very fair. So might as well get one for your own gang!

Now, let’s check out what you can order right now!

Van Saar Champions in Mesh and Flak Armour: $33

Van Saar Champions in Mesh and Flak Armour

Bringing a mix of devastating firepower, tactical expertise, and esoteric technology to the battlefield, this kit contains two Van Saar Champions – one armed with a lasgun, the other with a las sub-carbine and a servo-claw. One is wearing mesh armour and the other flak armor, which can be used as an Augmek and an Archeotek in games of Necromunda.


Van Saar Champions in Mesh and Flak Armour detail

The kit is comprised of 17 components, with which you can assemble two Van Saar Champions, and is supplied with 2x 25mm Citadel Necromunda Bases.

Van Saar Champion in Carapace Armour with Cyberachnids: $41

Van Saar Champion in Carapace Armour with Cyberachnids

This highly detailed resin kit is comprised of 36 components, with which you can assemble one Van Saar Augmek and three Cyberachnids, and is supplied with one 25mm Citadel Necromunda base, and 3x 32mm Citadel Necromunda bases.

van-saar-champion-with-cyberachnids details

Rules for using the Van Saar Champion in Carapace Armour with Cyberachnids in your games of Necromunda can be found in The House of Artifice.

Van Saar Arachni-rig: $58

van saar Arachni-rig

Bringing devastating firepower and heavy armour to the hives of Necromunda, Arachni-rigs are the perfect addition to any Van Saar gang with the credits to spare. This kit contains one Van Saar Arachni-rig that can be equipped with your choice of light or heavy carapace armour. It is equipped with four servo-arms, one of which can be replaced by a rad gun, and one which can be replaced by a plasma gun.

Van Saar Arachni-rig details fw

The kit is comprised of 20 resin components, with which you can assemble one Van Saar Arachni-rig, and is supplied with 40mm Citadel Necromunda base.

Rules for using the Van Saar Arachni-rig in your games of Necromunda can be found in The House of Artifice.

That’s it for everything that is available now, or fresh to pre-order. Vote with your hobby dollars today!

All the Newest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

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