FORGE WORLD – Tau KX139 Fusion Eradicator!

By Rob Baer | October 10th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Thunderhawks forge world plastic

Sun’s out guns out! Come see how many guns the new Forge World KX139 Ta’unar Titan can have now! 

More like a Gargantuan Creature with about half-a-dozen guns the Tau KX139 Supremacy Armor is getting a new arm-mounted weapon: The Fusion Eradicator! And the name is quite fitting.

via Forge World

Fusion Eradicator £30


Designed as a radical solution to the limitations of current Tau fusion weapons technology, the Fusion Eradicator combines a battery of multiple synchronised firing chambers. The weapon creates a blast of energy so potent that solid matter caught in its path is torn apart at a molecular level by brute thermal force, and no physical material yet known to the Tau can survive its destructive power.


The cost in materials and expertise to create a single Fusion Eradicator is immense, and the natural endurance of each weapon is limited often to a single battle. Each Fusion Eradicator is then discarded and must be replaced.


The Fusion Eradicator is an arm-mounted weapon for the KX139 Ta’unar Supremacy Armour. This multi-part resin kit includes the mounting arm and shoulder plate and can be built for either the left or right side of the Supremacy Armour.

tau Fusion Eradicator Rules

Pre-Orders are up now for the Fusion Eradicator arm(s). If you want to check out the full rules for the new KX139 Supremacy Armor you can view them for free on Forge World’s site. I don’t think anyone is going to want to get close to this guy with 5 x str 8 melta shots…then again you might not be able to get away from the K139! How many pilots are in this thing?

…The Fusion Eradicator – Accept NO subsitites