New Forge World – The Phantom (Eldar) Menace?

By Rob Baer | October 13th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Forge World has confirmed and showcases pictures of an updated and refreshed Imperial Armor 11 The Doom of Mymeara!

Eldar players rejoice! In their latest bulletin Forge World showed off the next installment/update to the Imperial Armour series, and you know that Phantoms going to get some toys to bad touch the new Warlord titan!

via Forge World

Imperial Armor

The last version of this book brought us some very deadly firepower (not that Eldar were lacking it) in the form of Pulsars and Eldar Titans. Based on the cover I’d be willing to bet we’re going to see more of the same. Here comes the return of the Phantom and Scorpion…not that they really ever went anywhere.

Also remember the previous rumors of the fully updated and modernized Eldar Corsair armylist in there.

I wonder what’s happening with the Ork, and Badab war books Forge World is skipping…?