New Forge World Titan Decal Sheets on the Way

By Rob Baer | September 1st, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Forge World showed off some of its new Titan Decal transfer sheets today, and a great looking Falchion as well. Come see!

forge world heresy falchion

Phil Stutcinskas’ very yellow Falchion named the Dominator

Checkout the decal sheets that may be headed our way soon.

Via Forge World

If you’re working on a Titan, or even have plans for your own Titan Legion, then keep a look out for these incredible transfer sheets that are on their way soon!

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If these look familiar, you may remember seeing them back in the summer in our FW open coverage as well!


Checkout all the FW new models and news from the summer below;

 Forge World Open Roundup

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