New Games Workshop Releases – REVEALED

By Rob Baer | March 6th, 2016 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k Rumors


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The Walking Dead, and some Skaven are what’s new this weekend, plus two BIG deals for starting to collect Age of Sigmar as well – come see the new releases!

via Games Workshop

Start Collecting! Skeleton Horde $85



In the war-torn Mortal Realms, the unquiet dead are plentiful indeed. Some have the power to bind the slain to their will, from the most bestial corpse to the most kingly of spectres. Their revenant armies walk abroad in every realm, grave-cold blades hacking into warm flesh whenever their masters seek dominion over the living.

This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Skeleton miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar! You’ll receive Arkhan the Black, a set of ten Skeleton Warriors, a set of five Black Knights and an exclusive Warscroll Battalion rules sheet, allowing you to collect, assemble and play with your new miniatures right away!


Start Collecting! Skaven Pestilens $85


The sound of booming brass gongs and the appearance of huge clouds of thick, acrid smoke announces the entrance of the Clans Pestilens. The most vile and diseased of the Horned Rat’s progeny, they seek to rot the mortal realms in the name of the Great Corruptor. Everything that stands in their way will fall to rusted, infectious blades and utterly toxic contagion, and the lands left behind them will wither and die in their passing.

This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Skaven Pestilens miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar! You’ll receive a Plague Furnace, a Plagueclaw, a horde of twenty Plague Monks and an exclusive Skaven Pestilens Warscroll Battalion rules sheet, allowing you to collect, assemble and play with your new miniatures right away!


Verminlord Corruptor $90


Horrific examples of pure pestilence given form, Verminlord Corruptors live up to their name, existing only to despoil and corrupt. Huge, powerful warriors capable of tearing most enemies apart even before their vile plague spells take hold, they hold absolute power over their underlings in the Clans Pestilens. Their plaguereaper sickles infect opponents with even the slightest nick – to go into battle with this most devious, this most cunning, this most malevolent of skaven is to sign your own putrid, diseased death-warrant.


The Skaven Pestilens Verminlord Corruptor is armed with 2 plaguereapers. It has a skull head with broken horns and a mane of long hair.


The multi-part plastic kit can optionally be used to assemble one of four other Verminlords. Whichever one you choose to assemble, the legs and body are used as the core to then add the following details to:

Verminlord Warbringer is armed with a doom glaive and punch-dagger and is notable for featuring a spiked helmet.

Verminlord Warpseer is armed with a doom glaive and scry-orb.

Verminlord Deceiver is armed with a doomstar (in the shape of the Clan Eshin rune) and a warpstiletto. It’s head wears a mask and hood to hide its features.

Skreech Verminking is armed with a plaguereaper and a doom glaive and has a unique half rotten face.

The Verminlord Corruptor has 61 components and is supplied with a Citadel 120x90mm Oval base.


Battletome: Skaven Pestilens (Hardback) $35


Festering swarms of the Great Corruptor!


Vile, diseased, revolting progeny of the Horned Rat, the Clans Pestilens are spread all across the mortal realms, bringing choking clouds of poison fog, infection and corruption to every dark corner. Innumerable in their swarm, they search tirelessly for the Thirteen Great Plagues with fanatical minds and wild eyes – these worshippers of the Great Corruptor, pouring from gnaw-holes in great Virulent Processions full of savage teeth and rusted, infectious blades wish to combine the thirteen sorcerous plagues, and unleash a tidal wave of rot and filth, potentially capable of bringing down even Sigmar himself.


The 88-page hardback Battletome: Skaven Pestilens contains:

– extensive background on the diseased children of the Horned Rat, including stories of their search for the Thirteen Great Plagues, the Churches of Contagion, and a bestiary featuring information on every monster, character unit and war machine in the army;
– two Battleplans, new rules and scenarios demonstrating the chaotic and virulent nature of the Clans Pestilens in battle;
– Warscrolls and Warscroll Battalions containing rules to help you get the most out of your miniatures;
– a massive showcase of beautifully-painted Citadel miniatures;
– the full rules for Warhammer Age of Sigmar – play right away!



The Virulent Horde $175


Plague censers billowing thick, acrid, corrupting smoke, the Virulent Horde comes over the horizon in a dreadful, diseased crowd of chittering skaven filth. The rumbling Plague Furnace spreads the bulk of the murk, with a Plagueclaw hurling vile concoctions from a distance. Supporting these engines of rot are a huge coterie of skaven warriors, led into the fray by a towering Verminlord Corruptor – even those who escape the smog will be caught by infectious teeth and blades, and entropy will conquer all.


The Virulent Horde is a fantastic box set of Clans Pestilens miniatures, ideal for starting a filth-clogged skaven army or expanding one you have already! In this box, you’ll receive a Plague Furnace, a Plagueclaw, a Plague Priest, a Verminlord Corruptor, five resin Plague Censer Bearers, twenty Plague Monks and an exclusive Warscroll Battalion rules sheet.


Battletome: Skaven Pestilens & The Virulent Horde $210


This bundle nets you a copy of the 88-page Battletome: Skaven Pestilens, full of rules, background and information on this filth-smeared army of Chaos, and the Virulent Horde; a brilliant box set of Clans Pestilens miniatures – a Plague Furnace, a Plagueclaw, a Plague Priest, a Verminlord Corruptor, five resin Plague Censer Bearers, twenty Plague Monks and an exclusive Warscroll Battalion rules sheet – it’s an instant Skaven army!


Legends of the Age of Sigmar: Skaven Pestilens (novel) $24


On the Amber Steppes of Ghur, the Crawling City is dying. The rabid devotees of the Clans Pestilens have infested this colossal worm and the structures upon its back, bringing poison and corruption with them. They seek to glorify their foul deity by unleashing one of the prophesied Great Plagues, and the Crawling City holds the key. In their way stand Sigmar’s Stormhosts, and stranger enemies still – the skaven must overcome not only these foes but their natural disunity and suspicion, if they are to lay their claws upon the baleful prize at the Crawling City’s heart.

It’s your first look at the Clans Pestilens in action as they continue their eternal quest to claim the thirteen Great Plagues.

Written by Josh Reynolds 


The Realmgate Wars: Warbeast (novel) $24



The once noble tribes of Ursungorod in Ghur have almost entirely fallen to Chaos, and an infestation of Clans Pestilens skaven has amassed in the caverns beneath the snowy tundra. There, Poxmaster Felk is on the brink of opening a vital realmgate – but Sigmar intends to seize this portal for himself. Arkas Warbeast, Lord-Celestant of the Celestial Vindicators, was once a mortal ruler of these lands. Now, with the aid of the Knights Excelsior, he has returned to free his kingdom from the clutches of Chaos and claim the realmgate in his God-King’s name. But first he must vanquish the ghosts of his past and overcome his own conflicted nature, in order to unleash the beast within.

It’s a new – and very personal – look at the Stormcast, with a focus on how they struggle to set aside their pasts in the service of Sigmar.

Written by Gav Thorpe 


So it’s a great week to be a veteran or a new Age of Sigmar fan with these kind of deals!  As far as the Skaven go, it’s neat to see them back and flourishing, but strange for them to be part of Chaos still.  I wonder where Games Workshop will take that story next.