New Games Workshop Releases & Teaser REVEALED

By Rob Baer | February 8th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw logo new long

Come see the new releases that are on the way for 40k, and Age of Sigmar for Valentines Day weekend!

Via Scanner 2-8-2016

New pricing and teaser.

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New Pricing:

  • Ulrik the Slayer $30
  • Wolf Lord Krom: $30
  • Iron Priest: $30
  • Beast Arises: Emperor Expects $17.50
  • Grand Alliance: Death $16.50 (88 Pages Softcover)
  • Horus Heresy Book VI: Retribution £74
  • Space Wolves Start Collecting Box Set $85



Well that’s super out of left field. Is this a foreshadowing of an old nemesis (Orks) or perhaps a new one, Daemons? What do you think a Xenos, coalition is?  I want to believe it’s Orks and Genestealers, which would tie nicely into the Tactical Supremacy part (Deathwatch?) but something tells me that’s just way to wishlisty…

Interesting that GW is sneaking in an Age of Sigmar release parallel to 40k as well. Ominous portent or blessing in diguisefor both brands?

One week until we find out how Games Workshop plans on WOW-ing us on Valentines Day weekend!

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I want to believe!

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