New Games Workshop Releases & Teaser – REVEALED

By Rob Baer | March 21st, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Hot off the press, come see the new Games Workshop releases for this week and the new teaser revealed!

This week is chock full of more Age of Sigmar, leading up to next week’s big release of what looks to be Orruks?

Source: Scanner

Grand Alliance: Order Wartome Paperback: $35

Slaughterpriest $30
Aspiring Deathbringer $30
Exalted Deathbringer $30

Black Library
Curse of the Wufen Novel Hardback $24



Here’s some shots of the THREE new Bloodbound model that were spotted earlier on the same thread:

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Khorne Slaughterpriest

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Aspiring Deathbringer

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Exalted Deathbringer

So it looks like one more week of new Age of Sigmar is here with at least THREE awesome new models for Khorne!

New Chaos Age of Sigmar Roundup

The Truth About The ITC? – Long War Episode 43