New Genestealer Cults 9th Edition 40k Unit Rules Datasheets

genestealer-cults-rules-newDon’t miss all the new Genestealer Cults 40k Datasheets and unit rules for their updated 9th Edition Warhammer 40k codex.

With the Genestealer Cults Codex in hobbyists’ hands and rules previews aplenty from Games Workshop, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for the devotees of the four-armed Emperor.  

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below!

Codex Genestealer Cults

If you are curious about the recent Custodes vs GSC Army box itself, you can check the contents and values here.

New Genestealer Cults 9th Edition 40k Unit Rules Datasheets

First up for the new Genestealer Cults 9th Edition 40k unit rules and datasheets is the multi-arm gunslingin’ Kelermorph rules!

kelermorph datasheet

The Kelermorph got +1 melee attack and lost its cultist knife, making it a neutral change. Additionally, the Liberator autostub got +1 strength and -1 damage, however, it gained the ability to deal a mortal wound on an unmodified 6 to wound. He also got to keep his iconic gunslinger ability, which is great to see.

A new addition is his Hypersensory Abilities which now let him move or fall back after shooting, making him a very hard unit to nail down. Its Heroic Deeds ability also got a slight change now affect nearby CORE units instead of Infantry, which should be largely the same pool of affectble units.

jackal alhpus datasheet

The Jackal Alphus also saw some changes. His statline got -1 wound, but gained +1 armor save. Sniper also sees a decent buff with +1 Strength,+1 AP, and flat 2 damage now. Additionally, the mortal wound now triggers on 4+ instead of 6s. Blasting Charges were also changed to d3 shots and are now S5, -1AP, 1 damage.

Priority Target has been changed to only affect one target CORE CROSSFIRE unit, instead of all units. Additionally, the effect now treats the target as “exposed” instead of +1 to hit. Skilled outrider has been update to Master Outrider, gaining him the extra benefit of not being targetable if within 6″ of Jackals or Vehicles.  They can also shoot and charge after falling back, which is a very nice benefit.

atalan jackals datasheet
Speaking of Jackals, they got +1 attack and +1 Armor Save across the board. As for the weapons, the Incinerator has been changed to assault instead of heavy, Autopistol was changed to Small Arms fire resulting in +1 strength, gained the option to take Grenade Launchers, and the same changes as above for blasting charges.

Additionally, they can now also shoot and charge after falling back, if they shoot at an enemy within 6″ they are treated as exposed. They also gained a pre-game move, giving them a good boost to mobility and practicality.

goliath rockgrinder datasheet

The Rockgrinder got quite a few changes, so we listed them below:

  • +1 to Hit in Melee, Leadership, and Save(was 4+, 7, 4+, now 3+,8, 3+ respectively)
  • +2 to Movement on full wound profile (was 10, now 12)
  • +1 to Movement on 3-5 wound profile (was 8, now 9)
  • +1 to Movement on 1-2 wound profile (was 6, now 4)
  • Demolition Charges changed to flat 2 Damage (was D3)
  • Clearance Incinerator now 15″ Range and 6 S (was 12″ and 5 S)
  • Heavy Seismic Cannon [Long-Wave] now 6 S and -2 AP (was 4 S and -1 AP)
  • Heavy Seismic Cannon [Short-Wave] now 24″ range and -3 AP (was 12″ and -2 AP)
  • Drilldozer Blade now +2 S and flat 2 damage (was +3 S and d3 damage)

Additionally for abilities, it traded its 6+ FNP  for a flat -1 damage modifier (to a minimum of 1 damage per source).

goliath truck datasheet

The Goliath Truck got a nice +1 to Armor Save and +1 to Movement on 3-5 wound profiles. Just like the rest of the units, Demolition Charges were changed to flat 2 Damage.

Just like the Rockgrinder, this also traded the 6+ FNP for -1 damage taken.

Now let’s recap the Shadowthrone units to give you a better overview of some of the new Genestealer Cults datasheet rules and updated model performance.

Shadowthrone Unit Datasheets

Up first, the Primus!

Primus rules from shadowthrone

New Changes

  • Needle Pistol (now called the Scoped needle pistol) got +6″ range (was 12″ now 18″)
  • Bonesword (now called Cult bonesword) got +1S and +1 Damage (was user S and 1 Damage, now +1S and 2 Damage)
  • Lost Blasting Charge
  • Cult Demagogue now only works for Core units and instead of adding 1 to hit, their aura is now a simple re-roll 1s to hit.
  • Meticulous Planner now is in command phase instead of the first time after being set up

New Changes

  • Leadership now 9 (was 8)
  • Familiars changed to wargear, no longer counts as a model.
  • Spiritual Leader changed to a defensive aura, giving 5+ FNP (instead of deny the witch to non-psyker units)

Patriarch rules from shadowthrone

New Changes

  • BS now 4+ (was 5+)
  • Strength now 5 (was 6)
  • Wounds now 7 (was 6)
  • Familiars changed to wargear, no longer counts as a model.
  • Monstrous rending claws (now called Patriarch’s claws) now has flat 2 damage (was D3)
  • Lost Blood Telepathy
  • Lightning Reflexes (now Preternatural Reflexes) now gives 4+ Invulnerable save (was 5+)
  • +1 Psychic Power manifests per turn (was 1, now 2)

Neophyte Hybrids rules from shadowthrone

New Changes

  • All Wargear now listed on the sheet, look above for details
  • Shotgun lost the unique ability

Reductus Saboteur rules from shadowthrone

This new weapon Remote Explosives looks fantastic. Getting a decent amount of shots with Blast and a triple base-damage modifier against vehicles and monsters built-in, make this thing an absolute powerhouse of damage.

Because the damage bonus is so high, you’ll probably want this character to chip away at vehicles and monsters any time it can, as a damage potential of 18 is pretty dang high for a solo unit with a ranged attack…

reductus explosives preview

Reductus Explosives is a unique rule because your opponent can choose to ignore it or avoid it. If they ignore it, you get to control the field and affect your opponent’s decision-making, which is powerful in a competitive scenario. If they don’t ignore it, you get a decent amount of mortal wounds for free!

Cloaked giving another +1 to saves while in cover is pretty big, making the Reductus Saboteur even harder to take down if you place them correctly and thanks to their decent range, it shouldn’t be too hard to do and still be effective. Additionally, Clandestine making the Saboteur un-targetable within 12″ makes abusing its own 24″ range much easier!

It seems like it always gets -1 to hit regardless of being in cover, which could also make this unit an absolute menace to deal with for your opponents to deal with.

Here’s all the latest on the Genestealer Cults 9th Edition rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k

Click Here for all the Newest GW Model Previews

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