New Ghostkeel Model Spotted Assembled

By Rob Baer | October 10th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

xv95-photo2 ghostkeel

One lucky hobbyist got their hands on the new Ghostkeel model. Come checkout this bad boy up close and personal!

Via Iuchiban 10-09-2015

From this it appears that you can assemble the suit to show the pilot inside via opening armor plate hatches!

20151009_231301 (1) New Tau Info Roundup The Tau keep looking better and better!

20151009_231403 20151009_231417 20151009_231455 20151009_231504

So it looks like the suits neck flips up from a hinge in the back, and the chest armor flips outward towards the front of the suit.  Then the head looks to snap onto the neck piece once it’s locked into position.

Once again Games Workshop design team is bringing the heat, by pushing the design envelope for tabletop miniatures!

New Tau Info Roundup

Say it with me:  and I’ll form the head!