New GW Preview Miniature Teasers For Saturday!

GW announced another preview coming this Saturday filled with all things Warhammer dubbed the Lords of the Mortal Realms!

Warhammer Community just let us in on what’s coming next for Warhammer Stores and beyond!  Let’s check out what GW is planning for the next week.

GW Preview: Lords of the Mortal Realms Coming on Saturday

week of warhammer feb 15th

Be sure to check back on Saturday at 8:45 EST at the Warhammer twitch channelin order to see the newest teasers when they drop as well, but for now, you can go over all the latest previews and even some rumor engines to get your mind going on the possibilities. If you can’t make it, we will also cover all of the announcements right here, after they drop! But if you’re not in ith USA, check out all the times to watch below:

Lords of the mortal Realm 3If you don’t feel like waiting to look at sweet minis, here are the latest previews from GW:

What it’s Focusing on

Lords of the mortal RealmWell, if you like any of the fantasy styled games, you’re in luck! Even if you don’t, you can always check back to see the new minis on the way. With the Dark Eldar getting the next release for 40k, all you 40k players will probably have to wait two more weeks for some new stuff.

Lords of the mortal Realm 2These are the three teased minis they showed today.  Our guess is one mini is for each game in the preview. The one on the right looks like it could be another Vampire for Cursed city.

The one in the middle is probably part of the new Warhammer Underworlds Warband coming in May/June which looks to be very Chaos-y. Lastly, the mini on the left looks like it could be something for the Legions of Nagash who are getting a revamp along with the Lumineth Realm Lords.

What do you think about online previews? What do you think the teased minis are?

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