New GW Tools & Terrain Bundles Lineup & Pricing

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Upgrade your hobby muscles this holiday season as we get a look at newest Citadel Tools and bundle pre-orders from Games Workshop with pricing.

This weeks pre-order is all about bringing the hobby back as GW puts their new line of hobby accessories and terrain up for pre-order. Let’s take a look!

Citadel Painting Handle XL: $12.50

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Designed for painters, by painters, the Citadel Painting Handle makes it much, much easier to hold your miniatures securely while painting them. It allows you to find the perfect angle from which to reach every part of your model while avoiding the hand cramps that can come from holding a base for a long time.

This XL edition features exactly the same ergonomically designed handle as the regular edition, but features a much more expandable, spring-loaded clamp mechanism able to tightly grip circular and oval Citadel bases between 50mm and 105mm in diameter.

Grasping the sturdy plastic handle rather than the base or miniature you’re painting means fewer mistakes from accidentally touching wet paint and can help you improve your painting all round!

Citadel Water Pot: $8

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More than just a container holding water, the Citadel Water Pot has been designed by painters, for painters. Constructed from durable grey plastic, the base and inner side walls of the water pot have ribbed sections, whose textures have been chosen to clean brushes in the most effective manner. A canal at the top allows you to store bushes horizontally when not in use, and the sides feature tapered grooves – once you’ve cleaned your brush in the water, draw the bristles up through these grooves to restore a nice, fine point!

The water pot is 100mm wide at its base, and 90mm tall.

Citadel Assembly Handle: $18

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The perfect tool to use when assembling some of our more complex miniatures, the Citadel Assembly Handle is designed to hold components securely in place while glue takes hold. Sometimes, a tiny component can require holding in place for several minutes as the glue dries – the soft, spring-loaded clamps found on this tool can be manipulated on their ball and socket joints into virtually any position, freeing up your hands to move onto clipping the next piece off its sprue ready for action. These clamps can be used to grip individual pieces as you pre-paint them, too!

The handle itself is exactly the same as our Citadel Painting Handle, and features a spring-loaded mechanism which accepts round bases up to 40mm and oval bases up to 60mm – once the glue has dried, just remove the clamps and use the handle to hold your miniature securely as you paint!

This painting handle might look a little weird, but you’ll be able to have an extra set of “hands” at your fingertips.

Citadel Ultimate Project Set: $290

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A one-stop collection of Citadel paints covering the Base, Shade, Dry, Technical, Texture and Layer ranges, this is the best way to begin a collection of the paints you need to make your miniatures look their best. 53 pots of paint, 3 brushes and a selection of Citadel tools are included in the hard-wearing, durable plastic storage box – the box itself holds 2 racks, which each hold 21 paints, with space in the bottom of the box for a further 28. The lid even doubles as a handy tray, making this the perfect gift for the hobbyist in your life. Contained in the packed box:

A set of 3 Citadel tools:

Fine Detail Cutters – used to clip plastic components from their frames;
Mouldline Remover – used to scrape away mouldlines from clipped components, making them ready for undercoating;
Painting Handle – attach your models to this spring-loaded handle and avoid cramps, find the perfect painting angle and access every fiddly bit of your miniatures.

3 x high-quality Citadel brushes:

Layer M
Base M
Shade M

9 x 24ml Shade paints:

Nuln Oil
Drakenhof Nightshade
Biel-Tan Green
Reikland Fleshshade
Carroburg Crimson
Agrax Earthshade
Seraphim Sepia
Casandora Yellow
Druchii Violet

12 x 12ml Base paints:

Macragge Blue
Waaagh! Flesh
Bugman’s Glow
Mephiston Red
Mournfang Brown
Abaddon Black
Ceramite White
Zandri Dust
Averland Sunset
Retributor Armour
Caliban Green

26 x 12ml Layer paints:

Altdorf Guard Blue
Warboss Green
Cadian Fleshtone
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Skragg Brown
Eshin Grey
Ulthuan Grey
Ushabti Bone
Yriel Yellow
Auric Armour Gold
Warpstone Glow
Runefang Steel
Calgar Blue
Skarsnik Green
Kislev Flesh
Wildrider Red
Deathclaw Brown
White Scar
Screaming Skull
Flash Gitz Yellow
Liberator Gold
Moot Green
Xereus Purple
Genestealer Purple

2 x 24ml Texture paints

Stirland Mud
Agrellan Earth

2 x 12ml Technical paints

Blood for the Blood God
Lahmian Medium

2 x Dry paints:

Necron Compound
Tyrant Skull

Citadel Project Paint Set: $210

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A one-stop collection of high-quality Citadel paints covering the Base, Shade, and Layer ranges, this is the perfect way to begin a collection of paints to make your miniatures look their best. 48 pots of paint are included in the hard-wearing, durable plastic storage box – the box itself holds 2 racks that each hold 21 paints, with space in the bottom of the box for a further 28. The lid even doubles as a handy tray, making this the perfect gift for the hobbyist in your life.

9 x 24ml Shade paints:

Nuln Oil
Drakenhof Nightshade
Biel-Tan Green
Reikland Fleshshade
Carroburg Crimson
Agrax Earthshade
Seraphim Sepia
Casandora Yellow
Druchii Violet

12 x 12ml Base paints:

Macragge Blue
Waaagh! Flesh
Bugman’s Glow
Mephiston Red
Mournfang Brown
Abaddon Black
Ceramite White
Zandri Dust
Averland Sunset
Retributor Armour
Caliban Green

26 x 12ml Layer paints:

Altdorf Guard Blue
Warboss Green
Cadian Fleshtone
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Skragg Brown
Eshin Grey
Ulthuan Grey
Ushabti Bone
Yriel Yellow
Auric Armour Gold
Warpstone Glow
Runefang Steel
Calgar Blue
Skarsnik Green
Kislev Flesh
Wildrider Red
Deathclaw Brown
White Scar
Screaming Skull
Flash Gitz Yellow
Liberator Gold
Moot Green
Xereus Purple
Genestealer Purple

1 x 24ml Texture paint

Stirland Mud

Citadel Layer Paint Set: $245

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Designed to be painted on top of Citadel Base paints, Layer paints are used to build up a rich, natural-looking finish on your miniatures by using several, well, layers. This is a huge collection of Layer paints, each a 12ml pot, supplied in a hard-wearing plastic storage box. Included:

Yriel Yellow
Flash Gitz Yellow
Troll Slayer Orange
Fire Dragon Bright
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Wild Rider Red
Wazdakka Red
Squig Orange
Xereus Purple
Genestealer Purple
Warpfiend Grey
Slaanesh Grey
Alaitoc Blue
Hoeth Blue
Altdorf Guard Blue
Calgar Blue
Teclis Blue
Lothern Blue
Sotek Green
Temple Guard Blue
Kabalite Green
Sybarite Green
Warpstone Glow
Moot Green
Warboss Green
Skarsnik Green
Loren Forest
Straken Green
Nurgling Green
Elysian Green
Ogryn Camo
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull
Tallarn Sand
Karak Stone
Cadian Fleshtone
Kislev Flesh
Bestigor Flesh
Flayed One Flesh
Ungor Flesh
Skrag Brown
Deathclaw Brown
Tau Light Ochre
Balor Brown
Zamesi Desert
Doombull Brown
Tuskgor Fur
Gorthor Brown
Baneblade Brown
Administratum Grey
Eshin Grey
Dark Reaper
Thunderhawk Blue
Skavenblight Dinge
Stormvermin Fur
Ulthuan Grey
White Scar
Pallid Wych Flesh
Russ Grey
Fenrisian Grey
Pink Horror
Emperor’s Children
Runefang Steel
Gehenna’s Gold
Auric Armour Gold
Hashut Copper
Sycorax Bronze
Brass Scorpion
Runelord Brass
Liberator Gold
Stormhost Silver
Fulgurite Copper
Skullcrusher Brass
Ahriman Blue

Citadel Base & Shade Paint Set: $210

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This durable plastic storage box contains 52 Citadel paints from the Base and Shade ranges which, as the names imply, are perfect for basecoating and applying shading to your miniatures! The box itself is a wonder of storage – it holds 2 racks, which each hold 21 paints, with space in the bottom of the box for a further 28. The lid even doubles as a handy tray, making this the perfect gift for the hobbyist in your life.

15 Shade paints are included, in 24ml pots, and 37 Base paints are included in 12ml pots:

Shade paints:

Casandora Yellow
Fuegan Orange
Carroburg Crimson
Druchii Violet
Drakenhof Nightshade
Coelia Greenshade
Biel-Tan Green
Athonian Camoshade
Seraphim Sepia
Reikland Fleshshade
Agrax Earthshade
Nuln Oil
Nuln Oil Gloss
Agrax Earthshade Gloss
Reikland Fleshshade Gloss

Base paints:

Averland Sunset
Jokaero Orange
Mephiston Red
Khorne Red
Naggaroth Night
Daemonette Hide
Kantor Blue
Macragge Blue
Caledor Sky
Stegadon Scale Green
Incubi Darkness
Caliban Green
Waaagh! Flesh
Castellan Green
Death World Forest
Zandri Dust
Steel Legion Drab
Bugman’s Glow
Ratskin Flesh
Mournfang Brown
Rhinox Hide
Dryad Bark
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Abaddon Black
Celestra Grey
Rakarth Flesh
Balthasar Gold
Screaming Bell
Warplock Bronze
The Fang
Screamer Pink
Ceramite White
Retributor Armour
Thousand Sons Blue
Death Guard Green

Use Citadel to bring your hobbying up to speed with everyone else. The ultimate kit gives you a painting space so you don’t have to worry about marking up anything on your table. You can also store all of your paints in holding trays. Last but not least, you get paint brushes, a painting hobby handle, and a modeling kit! Get those crisp details on your models in a set that you can pack up and take anywhere.

Sector Mechanicus: Derelict Factorum: $100

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Derelict Factorum

Derelict Factorum

Derelict Factorum

Derelict Factorum

Derelict Factorum

Derelict Factorum

The kit is comprised of 6 frames of plastic components:

– 2 frames of wall sections, each containing 3 windowed wall sections – 1 double width and 2 half-width – with pillars and capstones for each wall;
– 1 frame of ruins and floors, containing 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp;
– 1 frame of chimney parts, containing 1 large chimney stack, 2 smaller stacks, and a selection of caps for each;
– 1 frame of silo parts, containing a large cylindrical silo with a detailed vent cap, external door and manhole cover;
– 1 frame of ruins, complete with 3 floor sections, an industrial boiler and a small chimney stack (with cap), along with 3 broken gantries.

Sector Imperialis: Imperial Sector: $130

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Imperial Sector

Imperial Sector

Imperial Sector

Imperial Sector

Imperial Sector

The kit is comprised of 10 frames of plastic components:

– 4 frames of wall sections, each containing 3 windowed wall sections – 1 double width and 2 half-width – with pillars and capstones for each wall;
– 3 frames of ruins and floors, each containing 1 ruined corner piece section, 3 sections of broken floor, 1 section of unbroken floor, 1 small broken column, 4 small broken floor sections, 1 top piece, 2 support arches, 2 lamps which plug into the underside of the floor sections and 1 small circular lamp;
– 3 frames of ruined Sector Imperialis buildings, each making 3 sections of ruins featuring shattered window sections, broken columns and pipework.

Sector Mechanicus Munitorum Munitions Hub: $210

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Munitions Hub

Munitions Hub

Munitions Hub

Munitions Hub

This set provides you with a selection of scenery pieces which are ideal for use as linear obstacles, providing cover for miniatures during battles or simply evoking a lived-in, industrial feel to your gaming table. It includes:

– 2 sets of Galvanic Servohaulers: each of these sets includes 2 haulers and a large crane. These kits feature grabbers, winches and engine blocks, and can accommodate a Munitorum Armoured Container on their flatbeds;
– 10 Munitorum Armoured Containers: large shipping containers which can be modelled with their doors either open or closed, each of these features an optional, watchful storm bolter!
– A huge selection of promethium barrels and ammunition crates – no fewer than 30 barrels and 40 (count ‘em!) crates – perfect for dotting around your gaming table, and they make great objective markers, too.

Thermic Plasma Nexus: $210

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Thermic Plasma Nexus


Thermic Plasma Nexus


Thermic Plasma Nexus


Thermic Plasma Nexus


Thermic Plasma Nexus

The kit is comprised of several sets of plastic components:

– A Ferratonic Furnace: this is a large silo possibly filled with unmentionable caustic chemicals, toxic waste or items too sinister to dwell upon. It’s built from 2 frames, one frame for the silo itself, and one full of platforms and walkways to be modelled around the structure. The Furnace includes lots of extras for adding detail – pipes, chains and winches, which can be clipped into place wherever you like using the plug-in holes beneath the gantries;
– A Thermic Plasma Regulator: covered in Mechanicus details, the main body of the Regulator features a platform and guardrail, allowing your miniatures to attack from a higher vantage point;
– A Haemotrope Reactor: this barely-understood piece of Mechanicus technology acts as a plasma amplifier, and is covered in pipes, cables and a grim-looking skull;
– 5 sets of Thermic Plasma Conduits: this is a massive array of components used to link together the larger pieces of the kit in whichever way you choose. It includes: 30 pipes;
10 control points; 20 plasma fusion batteries that can be fitted into the control points; 60 braces for the pipes; 10 short, broken pipe sections; 20 short, curved pipe sections and 10 short end pipes.

We saw 40k get some crazy terrain love when Kill Team dropped. Well, it looks like even more terrain is coming and at an even larger scale. judging by the art and the size of the box, this will do your table some good as you can scatter all sorts of unique terrain across the board.

Desolated Township: $130

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Desolated Township

Desolated Township

Desolated Township

Desolated Township

Desolated Township

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Easily add scenery to your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar with this large, great value set of plastic components, entirely compatible with the Azyrite Ruins scenery sets. It includes 8 (count ‘em!) frames of Azyrite Ruins scenery along with a set of Shattered Dominion Objectives, providing everything you need to build a grim abandoned township for your miniatures to battle over. Included in the set:

– 8 frames of push-fit Azyrite Ruins scenery, requiring no glue to slot together in whatever configuration you wish. These frames feature enough components to assemble 20 large sections of ruined, crumbling wall, a further 4 small ruined walls, 4 padlocked grills and 8 padlocked chests – these are decorated with sigmarite comets, hinting at possible treasures within;
– A set of 7 Shattered Dominion Objectives, each evoking the constant state of conflict found in the Mortal Realms. These are detailed plastic miniatures that can be used as objective markers or simply to make your gaming table that little bit more atmospheric. Included:
– Hallowed Tomb: an ancient burial place for a fallen warrior;
– Trove of Arcane Glory: a collection of magical loot such as books, scrolls and a sextant;
– Soul Stone: a floating stone, tethered to the ground by 3 chains, its surface is adorned with grinning skulls attempting to break through;
– The Realm’s Ransom: a chest filled with coins (some of which have spilled out onto the ground), goblets, jewels and a lantern. The lid of the chest can be modelled open or closed;
– Ensorcelled Armoury: an impressive pile of shields, swords, hammers and axes;
– Iconoclast Axe: a large fallen statue’s head, with a double-headed axe, which can either be modelled embedded in the head or left as a separate piece;
– Realmvault Key: a mysterious device featuring an orrery with sigmarite comets orbiting a sun, attached to a winch pulling it from the ground.

Vale of Ghyran: $100

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Vale of Ghyran

Vale of Ghyran

Vale of Ghyran

Vale of Ghyran

Vale of Ghyran

Ghyran burgeons with all forms of life, from the most massive gighemoth to the tiniest parasitic spore. Known as the Jade Kingdoms, the realm’s people wildly in form and temperament. The endless cycle of life drew the eye of Nurgle, whose forces spread their foul taint across the realm during the Age of Chaos.

This set of plastic scenery allows you to recreate some of the verdant forests of Ghyran, the Realm of Life, on your gaming table. These are perfect for use when playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar games using Ghyran’s Realm of Battle rules, providing cover and breaking up line of sight – or they can simply be used to make your gaming table that little bit more atmospheric.

It contains 4 Citadel Wood sets – each of these is made up of 70 plastic components, which assemble 3 trees on a scenic base. A huge variety of branches and foliage is supplied in these sets – no 2 trees need look alike!

Azyrite Townscape: $55

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Azyrite Townscape


Azyrite Townscape


Azyrite Townscape

Easily add scenery to your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar with this set of ruins, entirely compatible with the Azyrite Ruins scenery sets. It makes 3 sections of ruins, 2 of which feature raised floor sections, a corner piece, a broken pillar, and includes a padlocked chest. The longer sections of ruined wall can be joined together to make a single, longer section, the whole piece bedecked with detailed Sigmarite iconography, and the entire set is push-fit – no glue is required to assemble, meaning you can have this set on your gaming table almost immediately!

AoS terrain kits are definitely welcomed, especially the Vale of Ghyran. Those trees would make perfect Wyldwood models. These kits are definitely pricey. But it looks like you get a massive load of terrain. This is a great start for an at-home gaming table.

That’s it for this week. We can’t wait to see what these new terrain bundles bring to the tabletop.  But, enough about us. What do you think about these new releases?

Let us know over on our Facebook Hobbies Group and make sure you check back next week and see what’s new from Games Workshop.