By Rob Baer | February 15th, 2015 | Categories: Harlequins, Warhammer 40k Rumors


It looks like the Harlequins have a LOT of formations.  Come take a look at what’s doing the rounds this weekend.

Better bring your universal translator as well…

via warseer’s Manwe 2-14-2015
Harlequin Formations

form 1

ZeroNoRyouki on Warseer translates

The formations are awesome! I’m Italian so I can traslate them for you if you like. This is the first one:

1) 3 Troups, 3 DJ, 3 SS, 1 Solitaire, 2 units of Skyweavers, 1 unit of Voidweavers
Restriction: none
Special rules:
– outstanding performace (you may reroll inv saves of 1 for all the models of the formation)
– emissary of Cegorach (if the troup master is your warlord, you can reroll his harlequin’s warlord trait)
– pressing Crescendo (from the beginning of turn 2, all units in this formation with the Fleet special rule can Run and Charge in the same turn) <– this is huge!

PS: Crescendo is a musical term so i’m leaving as it is

Edit: the other 5..

2) 3 Troupes, 2 units of Skyweavers, 3 Starweavers, 1 unit of Voidweavers

– each Troupe must take one of the formation Starweavers as a Dedicated Transport

Special rules:
– emissary of Cegorach (if the troup master is your warlord, you can reroll his harlequin’s warlord trait)

– the aerial walk (one Troup from this formation can use his Hit&Run to embark in a free Starweaver from this formation. If the Hit&Run rolled distance is enough to move all models within 2″ of the Starweaver the Troupe can embark immediately. If a consolidation movement is enough to move all models within 2″ of a free Starweaver from this formation the Troupe can embark immediately) !!!

3) “company of actors”
1 Troupe, 1 DJ, 1 SS

– all models from this formation must deployed as a single unit. DJ & SS can’t leave the unit

Special rules:
– crusader
– heralds of the Laughing’s God (any models with the Eldar or Dark Eldar faction (friend or foe) within 6″ from one or more models of this formation gain the crusader special rule)

4) “Cegorach’s jest”
1 Troupe, 1 unit of Skyweavers, 1 unit of Voidweavers


Special rules:
– pressing Crescendo (from the beginning of turn 2, all units in this formation with the Fleet special rule can Run and Charge in the same turn)

5) “way of heroes”
1 DS, 1 SS, 1 Solitaire


Special rules:
– Infiltrate
– shrouded
– stealth
– a lonesome path (models from this formation cannot join other units and no one can join them)

6) “Faolchu’s Blade”
2 units of Skyweavers, 1 unit of Voidweavers


Special rules:
– the Wings of Faolchù (you may reroll failed cover saves while jinking with units of this formation)

Let me known if you need any clarification on the leaked DJ & SS pages

Edit2 : I’m reading on another forum (GW Tilea) that “pressing Crescendo” if the special rule for the Harlquins’ detachment. The other rule is “emissary of Cegorach”

Harlequin Rumor Roundup

Checkout the rest of the formation pictures, there’s lots more info…

~Ciao Bella!