The Wolves are loose – come see the new sweet pictures for Horus Heresy Book VI Retribution book that were spotted at a seminar today at Warhammer World!
As some of my readers may already be aware, I recently visited Warhammer World in Nottingham, UK.
Deep within Warhammer World, we discovered the writing was literally on the wall. At least in terms of descriptions for the (as yet) unpublished legion: Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Thousand Sons, White Scars and the Blood Angels. These images were taken from information panels within exhibition room 5 where from Nov 14th 2015 to Feb 10th 2016, a special exhibit on the Horus Heresy is located.
Hope you like reading them! (for reference, all the other legions had similar images featuring text that has already appeared in Betrayal, Massacre, Extermination, etc.).
So looks like this lines up with the rumors we were hearing for Retribution that we would be seeing new Legion rules for nearly all remaining chapters, however the possible inclusion of Thousand Sons and Space Wolves was an exciting new twist.
Here”s what Forge World has confirmed will be in the new book up to today’s news:
Stay tuned for all the news from today on the next installment of the Horus Heresy!
Legion Roundup
The circle may now be complete?