New Horus Heresy & More GW Pre-Orders Revealed

new-next-week-chaos-knights-and-kill-team-nachmundThis week is all about Horus Heresy, Underworlds, and even the missing Daemons data cards for GW’s new pre-orders on September 10th.

Games Workshop has revealed all the new releases going up for pre-order this Saturday, September 10th at 1 PM Eastern time here in the states.

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Deimos Pattern Predator Battle Tank

Deimos Pattern Predator Battle Tank

Based on the classic Deimos Rhino STC, the Predator battle tank is versatile enough to handle anything the Age of Darkness can throw at it. Select from a predator cannon, graviton cannon, Gravis lascannon, or volkite macro-saker as your turret-mounted weapon and heavy bolters, heavy flamers, volkite culverins, or lascannons on your sponsons. With a raft of optional pintle-mounted weaponry on top, you’ll be able to take out any foes. 

Pick up this sweet tank for your Horus Heresy legions, if you need a little bit extra firepower for fewer points!

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Heavy Flamers, Multi-meltas, and Plasma Cannons

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Heavy Flamers, Multi-meltas, and Plasma Cannons

Following the heavy bolters and missile launchers set, you can now upgrade your Mark VI Space Marines with even more heavy weapon options. Heavy flamers are great for clearing swathes of enemy infantry, multi-meltas are perfect for destroying vehicles, and plasma cannons are ideal for taking out more heavily-armoured troops.

More weapon options are always good, especially when those help you take out armored targets.

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Volkite Culverins, Lascannons, and Autocannons

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Volkite Culverins, Lascannons, and Autocannons

Or you can finish off your Legion Heavy Support Squads with these weapons. The lascannon is the definitive weapon for taking out enemy tanks at long range, the autocannon is a flexible gun that can take out lighter vehicles or tougher troops, and the volkite culverin will help you to take out enemy hordes.

Just like above, more weapon options are good!

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness Reference Cards

Warhammer The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness Reference Cards

Finally for the Age of Darkness are these reference cards. Keep track of your Reactions, Psychic Powers, Psychic Weapons, and Core Warlord Traits in the heat of battle with these 24 cards.

Reference cards help to speed up learning games, so these are an easy pickup if you are trying to speed up you games a little bit.

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Datacards: Chaos Daemons

Datacards Chaos Daemons

Hot on the heels of Codex: Chaos Daemons come these datacards. Inside the pack, you’ll find 43 Stratagems, 25 Psychic Powers, and 20 Warp Storm effect cards. These cards are the ideal way to master the twisted powers of the warp and bring ruin to the material realm.

With the newly releases Chaos Daemon rules, these cards can help you learn and memorize the new rules!

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Gorechosen of Dromm

Gorechosen of Dromm

A new warband enters the Nethermaze seeking to desecrate it with blood in the name of Khorne. This is a control-style warband that gains Blood Tithe tokens whenever they cause or take a wound, which they can then spend on unique actions. They come with their own Rivals deck, so you can play them straight out of the box, and come with universal cards that can be used by any Warhammer Underworlds warband.

This new Khorne warband might be popular for players as they just previewed the new box set at Nova Open 2022

Deadly Depths Rivals Deck

Deadly Depths Rivals Deck

Head deeper into the Nethermaze with this new Rivals deck. It can be used by any warband in the game from those introduced in Shadespire to the Gorechosen of Dromm – simply open the pack, shuffle the cards, and you’re ready for your game of Warhammer Underworlds. This deck is for any players who like to strike from the shadows and win games with a little bit of cunning rather than just brute force.

Decks are an easy way to increase variance in Underworlds; this is no different!

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White Dwarf 480

White Dwarf 480

This month’s White Dwarf celebrates the summer of skirmish gaming and is packed with articles on Warcry and Kill Team. There’s also a free Warhammer 40,000 map campaign based around exploring a Necron tomb complex, the first part of a massive Warhammer: The Horus Heresy battle report, and more!

If you missed the latest few previews from Games Wokkshop, get all caught up with our coverage below:

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited about the new variety of Pre-Orders for September

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