New JOYTOY Ariadna Infinity Action Figures Hit Pre-Order!

JOYTOY Ariadna Infinity Action Figures featureA ton of new JOYTOY Ariadna Infinity action figures have hit pre-order right, and some can only be scored before June 11th!

If you’ve been looking for something to spice up your collection, these new Infinity JOYTOY action figures might be perfect! These are all for Ariadna right now, but with how fast they release the figures, we expect plenty of factions soon. 

A lot of the pre-orders sell out pretty quickly, so if you want them, don’t wait around, or you’ll have to wait until they are restocked!

New JOYTOY Ariadna Infinity Action Figures Hit Pre-Order!

JOYTOY Ariadna Infinity Action FiguresThere are many figures; for most of them, you have to order them in singles, which lets you score the exact ones you want! We’ll look at some of our favorites, but know they have more than that!

Ariadna Team Mirage-5: 130

Click on these links to order yours for less:  Flyima | Locker ToysEntertainment EarthSideshow CollectiblesAmazon | or eBay | Corvus Belli Webstore

JOYTOY Ariadna Infinity Action Figures 2

The ferocious Sergeant Duroc stands approximately 7-inches tall while Lieutenant Margot Berthier measures approximately 4-inches tall.

JOYTOY Ariadna Infinity Action Figures 3

Each action figure is fully articulated and comes with various weapon accessories along with alternate hands.

JOYTOY Ariadna Infinity Action Figures 4

Enjoy Infinity figures in a different way, thanks to Joy Toy! 

Ariadna Veteran Kazaks: €45.00

Click on these links to order yours for less:  Flyima | Locker ToysEntertainment EarthSideshow CollectiblesAmazon | or eBay | Corvus Belli Webstore

JOYTOY Ariadna Infinity Action Figures 5

The Joy Toy Infinity Ariadna Veteran Kazaks 1:18 Scale Action Figure stands just over 4-inches tall and comes equipped with an arsenal of interchangeable parts and weapons.

This soldier is outfitted with 2x rifles, 2x pistols, and 3x alternate hands.

Ariadna Marauders 5307th Range Unit 2: €35.00

Click on these links to order yours for less:  Flyima | Locker ToysEntertainment EarthSideshow CollectiblesAmazon | or eBay | Corvus Belli Webstore

JOYTOY Ariadna Infinity Action Figures 6

The Joy Toy Infinity Ariadna Marauders 5307th Ranger Unit 2 1:18 Scale Action Figure stands just over 4-inches tall and comes equipped with an arsenal of interchangeable parts and weapons.

This soldier is outfitted with a shotgun, pistol, knife, and interchangeable armor parts.

Get 12% Ordering JOYTOY  Action Figures:

If you’ve been eyeing any of the fantastic JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures, use our exclusive discount code to get yours for less from Flyima! Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12%!

Best of all, they have free shipping to the States for almost all of them!

Hellblasters JOYTOY 3

Click Here to Get Your JOYTOY Figures 12% OFF!