New Khorne Release Rumors For AoS

By Rob Baer | September 14th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


The Stormcasts had their fun, now it may be Chaos’s turn. Come see the new rumors for upcoming Khorne releases!

Via Scanner 9-14-2015

This week is Slaughterpriest and Skullgrinder clampacks, the new Khorne Battletome, and some re-basing of the old Khorne existing kits.

Those do sound plausible release wise but it doesn’t explain the whole “cogs” part of last weeks teaser.


The first two parts of this teaser seem to line up with the rumored releases, but no so much on the rest.

Via BoLS

Khorne Bloodbound Battletome $49.50

152pp hardcover book

17 Warscrolls

9 Battalion Warscrolls

3 Battleplans

Khorne Skullgrinder $30

Clampack single mini

Wielding and anvil that is aflame

Khorne Slaughterpriest $30

Clampack single mini

Wielding an oversized bloody axe


Does the new release magic eight ball say ask again later to all this, OR is there something we missed?

Checkout the latest as we get it below.

New Release Roundup