New Kruleboyz & Stormcast AoS FAQs Have Dropped

Don’t miss all the new Kruleboyz and Stormcast AoS FAQs have dropped along with some Core Rules changes as well!

You know the drill, the armies have been out for a little while now, so that means FAQs! The majority of the changes are just clarification where they needed it so it shouldn’t change your playstyle. We saw a giant AoS FAQ back in August,

Then three of those FAQs actually got their own FAQ, so unfortunately AoS 3.0 has been grabbing a lot of FAQs recently. A few of these felt like they should have just been done on day one to avoid confusion (we’re looking at you Kruleboyz keyword), but it is in this FAQ now so no worries.

Since they are pretty short, we’ll cover most of it for you, but if you want to download all three of them, you can here. Let’s check them out.

Kruleboyz FAQ

kruleboyz FAQThe Marshcrawla was really annoying from the start, why didn’t it have the keyword? We’re not sure, but at least now they can benefit from everything without you having to convince your opponent that’s the way it should be. So that’s nice.

Some wording changes to Gordrakk which makes the 2nd and 3rd command free. After that, just some more keyword changes, which all make sense. That’s pretty much everything for Kruleboyz, but you can download it here.

Stormcast AoS FAQ

Sotrmcast AoS FAQsThe one nice thing about this, you get the FAQ right as some of the miniatures are being released. Anyway, the designer commentary just clears up some common questions or confusion. Basically the FAQ is all about keywords, which again, is good to have but shouldn’t be a huge issue. This is the whole thing above, but you can download it here.

Core Rule FAQ

core rules FAQ


core rules FAQ 2Since we’ve already had an FAQ for the Core Rules, only the things in magenta are changing. It’s only 3 changes this time around so nothing too crazy. It mainly clears up some confusion about wording and some things that are somewhat obvious, but good to have clarification.

So again, nothing big, but you can download it here.

Was the Marshcrawla keyword annoying you in games? 

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