New Librarian Model Arrives for Horus Heresy

New Librarian Horus Heresy 3A new Librarian arrives for Horus Heresy, the White Scars Stormseer Consul, ready to tap into the wisdom beyond his kinsmen!

For the first Horus Heresy Thursday in a while, we are actually getting a Horus Heresy mini and not something for Legions Imperialis! The new model is pretty awesome, and if you play White Scars, you might as well get a new mini for your collection.

While he’s not on a bike, it’s still pretty cool… just not as fast!

New Librarian Model Arrives for Horus Heresy

The latest news for the White Scars Stormseer Consul model comes from Warhammer Community.

New Librarian Horus Heresy

These Stormseer Consuls are weather-witches who act as advisors and mystics to their Khans, offering wise counsel and unleashing the wrath of the storm on those in their way.

With their horizons broadened by the shamanistic customs of Chogoris, Stormseers tap into wisdom beyond the ken of their brothers. This invites much scepticism from the more stringent members of the Legions Astartes, and many viewed their esoteric methods as deviations from the Imperial Truth.

Like with most of the one-off miniatures, this will be in Resin, but interestingly, GW actually says from Forge World in the post…

 …the White Scars Stormseer Consul comes with a bare or helmed head and will be available to pre-order in Forge World Resin soon.

Considering Forge World is basically dead, and they now call the models expert resin kits now, the text in red is just a little funny to us.

Anyway, back to the mini.

New Librarian Horus Heresy 2

More fool them, as this ignorance blinds the narrow-minded to the meteorological mastery of the Stormseers. In battle, their subtle applications alter the climate for tactical advantage, calling on the heavens themselves to aid them.

By tapping into the empyrean they can obscure their allies’ approach with mist and fog, place a favourable wind behind flanking Golden Keshig, and impede enemy forces with foul tempests and withering hail. When a more direct approach is required, Stormseers will not hesitate to call down bolts of pure white lightning from the skies.

He’ll also come with a helmeted head, and the details look great all over the miniature!

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What do you think about the new Horus Heresy Librarian? Will you be picking this up?

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