New Life-sized Gundam Walks In Yokohama, Japan

By Andrew Schrank | December 16th, 2020 | Categories: Gundam, Pop Gamer Culture, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gundam!Japan has had its fair share of life-sized Gundam models, but the newest takes the cake as it articulates and walks!

The project has been in the works for a while now, but luckily the attraction is opening soon. If you’re in Japan, or able to go, you should definitely check out this amazing engineering feat. It also happens to be packed with cool Gundam related merch and experiences. If you understandably can’t go, you can watch the official video demonstration below.

The Gundam Factory website has all of the official details.

New Life-sized Gundam With A Twist In Yokohama, Japan

gundam why godUnlike the other life-size Gundam projects, the newest one arriving in Yokohama features moving joints. The previous ones have a few moving parts, however, this is the most mobile mobile-suit to date in the real world! Legs, arms, hands, feet, head, nearly everything can move. Perhaps in a few more iterations, it will be fully functional and able to walk around on its own. There is also a walkway on the side of the Gundam where guests can pay an extra fee to walk up and personal to the behemoth.

gundam lanching sequenceThe theme park is placed in the Yokohama Harbor making it a pretty open and unique display in front of the Skyline of the city. The display has two sets of choreography, rotating and running every 30 mins. Meaning if you go you’ll spend a decent amount of time there, but you will get two different experience watching the attraction.

Gundam yokohama times and pricesThe park will run from 10AM-9PM (with admissions ending at 8PM). Tickets for adults will cost about 16.50 USD or 1650 yen and 11 USD or 1100 yen (Children 6 years old get free admission). The viewing platform will cost you around 33 USD or 3300 yen extra, but it might be worth it to get that close to the marvel.

The first day open to the public is December 19th, 2020 and it will stay open until March 31st, 2021. This means you’ll have 15 months to get the experience yourself. But after that, it might be gone for good, or at least until and if they make another life-size Gundam Attraction.

day and night yokohamaGoing so late in the day means it has to have lights and it does! I can’t decide which would be a cooler experience, the lights definitely add to it, but you might miss out on all the details on the body. Although, it is 18 meters tall so you might miss some of the detail anyway if you don’t climb the dock tower with the extra ticket.

gundam factory yokohamaThe park even has more on top of that. The building features a themed Cafe, a small museum displaying how it was built, and of course merch some of which is exclusive to the park. Of which multiple GUNPLA or Gundam models can be expected of course!

You have to purchase them in person, but you can still check them out online if you are curious. You can check out the full lineup here.

Will you be trying to visit the Gundam in Yokohama? Do you still have or remember Gundam models and the anime?

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