New Lizardmen Miniatures Pre-order from Wargames Atlantic

Lizardmen kit feature rGo to fantastical realms with these new Lizardmen miniatures from Wargames Atlantic that is perfect for your next cold-blooded adventure

Wargames Atlantic is always coming out with incredible new models! And their kits are always affordable and full of detail. These new Lizardmen are no exception, you’ll get 24 soldiers for only $35. Pretty hard to beat minis at basically a dollar fifty apiece.

Help these poor lizards take back their land, or invade new ones, with this awesome new kit. Just like with all of their other kits, even if you don’t use these for the original purpose, they make perfect bits for conversions. For the price, you can’t go wrong either way. It’s always good to find cheaper alternative minis, and we love to help support these great companies! Let’s jump into the preorder.

Lizardmen Miniatures Kit: $34.95

Lizardmen kitWhether you are using these for a fantasy game or using them for conversion, they are pretty great. Also, if you bundle a few of these together, you get to save even more cash! If you love what Wargames Atlantic is up to, check out what else they have going on!

Lizardmen kit 2The lizard tribes rarely venture forth from their steaming jungle kingdoms, but when they do they are a force to be reckoned with! Fighting with weapon, tooth, and claw they harass the folk of the free kingdoms and have even allied with the goblin war hosts to battle the forces of the High Queen.

The Sprue:

Lizardmen kit sprueThis hard plastic box set allows you to field up to 24 Lizardmen with options to arm them with sword and spear, fantasy and British muskets, or auto-rifles. There are four unique head types for all bodies in the set so that you have options to use these figures for fantasy, Victorian Science Fiction, or straight science fiction Lizardmen.

Painted Minis & Comparisons

Lizardmen kit 3


Lizardmen kit 4The size of these looks perfect when compared to their other minis! Also, what’s more fun than a Lizard with a gun? Well, maybe their spiders with guns are a little cooler!

That does it for the preview! They will be shipping in March, so not much longer to wait now!

Pre-order Your New Lizardmen Kit Here!