New Lord of The Rings MTO Miniatures: Pricing & Links

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Here are the pricing and links for the new MTO Lord of the Rings minis featuring some iconic movie moments that are on pre-order now!

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these new releases from Games Workshop. They are up for pre-order right now at the links below and will be on sale until Saturday, May 18th, until Sunday, May 26th at 6 PM GMT.

New Lord Of The Rings MTO Miniatures: Pricing & Links

New Warhammer releases are here for pre-order, including the returning MTO offerings of some iconic LOTR minis!

 As usual for Made to Order, they may take up to 180 days to arrive.

lotr banner

Made to Order: Heroes of Helm’s Deep™ Price: $80 Direct Only From Warhammer Webstore

Heroes of Helm’s Deep MTO

The Heroes of Helm’s Deep set features a group of iconic warriors who played a significant role in the War of the Ring.

It includes eight metal miniatures of Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Haldir, Théoden, Éowyn, Gamling, and a banner bearer of the Galadhrim, all depicted as they were during the siege. These miniatures can also be used as alternate models utilizing the standard rules of the units. 

Made to Order: Defenders of Rohan™ Price: $70 Direct Only From Warhammer Webstore

Defenders of Rohan MTO

These miniatures depict Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Théoden, Gamling, Hama, and Éomer before the Battle of Helm’s Deep. The miniatures also come with alternative versions of Théoden, Gamling, Hama, and Éomer that can be used with their normal rules.

Made to Order: Rohan™ Heroes

Eomer, Knight Of The Pelenor Price: $35 Direct Only From Warhammer Webstore


Gamling (Warg Attack) Price: $35 Direct Only From Warhammer Webstore


Theoden (Warg Attack) Price: $35 Direct Only From Warhammer Webstore


Rohan Commanders Price: $35 Direct Only From Warhammer Webstore


King Théoden, Éomer, and Gamling rode back to lead the Riders of Rohan. Two commanders accompanied their soldiers, holding up a grand banner and using the Heroic March action to boost morale and inspire their troops. Each of which, has an option if you want to pick up their minis.

There are only MTO Lord of the Rings options coming this week, but we have a list of all the other Warhammer releases available up till May 15th that you can browse.

It’s super surprising to see no new Warhammer releases, but it sort of checks out, considering the rocky status of GW supply issues lately and the fact that they are closing down their warehouse for a week before the items they teased would hit store shelves.

So. whether you’re looking to save your hobby dollars on a no-Warhammer week or build up some iconic LoTR minis, there is still some hobbying to be had!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think of all the MTO Lord Of The Rings new releases hitting pre-order this week?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group and our Discord server.  Make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!


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