New Mandolorian Posters Depict The Future

luke groguTwo new posters depicting events at the end of Mandolorian season 2, seem to be pushing the story along. Let’s check them out.

To celebrate Comic-Con @ Home put out two fantastic exclusive Mandolorian season 2 posters that seem to hint at the future of the series.

Let’s start with the poster designed by Joe Corroney

dark saber posterThis poster clearly depicts the finale of Mandolorian Season 2. The Dark Troopers, Dark Saber, Grogu, Moff Gideon, and Bo Katan are all present in the finale, making this a fantastic encapsulation of those moments. It does however remind us of the unsettled business and tension between Din Djarin and Bo Katan that is sure to be a key issue in Season 3.

The second poster designed by Russel Walks is a little more suggestive.

grogu luke posterAt the end of season 2, Luke takes Grogu away with him to begin his training. Past that as viewers we don’t know what happens, and we most likely won’t until season 3 begins airing. This poster on the other hand depicts Grogus training and the yellow crystal suggests a potential to wield a yellow lightsaber. Perhaps his training is going quickly and he will be reunited with Mando…

Either way, we will have to wait until season 3 to find out how Grogu is doing with Luke. If you were lucky enough to pick up one of these posters over the weekend congratulations!

For the rest of us, still has some of the non-exclusive posters for Mandalorian to consider!

Are you excited about the Mandolorian Season 3? What do you think is in store for it?

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