New Marvel Eternals Trailer Spans Thousands of Years

By Travis Pasch | May 26th, 2021 | Categories: Pop Gamer Culture, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Marvel Eternals feature rThe New Marvel Eternals movie is set to hit theaters in November 2021, and theteaser trailer has finally hit the interwebs- check it out!

Do you just hate Deviants? Well, the good news is thousand-year-old superheroes do as well! The Eternals are ancient beings whose bodily cells contain cosmic energy and they can maintain control over every molecule in their body. Thus making them seriously powerful and giving them powers.

Just imagine if you could do that, ah life would be a little more interesting. All Eternals are virtually immortal and can be reborn in a sense even if the molecules in their body are spread out. They can still control them and bring them back together. The movie will focus on a team of them coming together to fight their ancient enemies known as the Deviants.

So now that you have a little background, let’s check out the latest trailer!

Marvel Eternals Teaser Trailer Drops!

The trailer focuses on the Eternals through the ages of humanity. The movie will span thousands of years and show how they have helped people, and eventually coming together in a time of strife.

Marvel EternalsThe movie opens with their giant ship coming over an ancient society, and the Eternals going about their god-like business.

Marvel Eternals 2Next, they are controlling some wild magic, but not exactly sure what it is for quite yet, other than to explode the Marvel logo in a cool way that is.

Marvel Eternals 3Obviously, it wouldn’t be a Marvel movie without some insane battles and you can see the world is already being destroyed.

Marvel Eternals 4The trailer ends with them all standing shoulder to shoulder, ready to defeat the Deviants!

Are you excited about the new movie? Will you be going to watch it? 

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