NEW MODELS – Elctro-Priest Plastic Kit?

By Rob Baer | April 21st, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

admech wlapaper

Checkout what may be the first new unit for the Ad Mech Cult Mechanicus expansion!

Via Captain Citadel

There will be a new combo kit for the Cult Mechanicus that contains their core unit the Elctro-Priest. One version features large double handed glaives similar to the old model from the 1990’s and the other is armed with archaic looking wrist mounted shooting weapons. Both versions feature robed legs, and torsos with exposed fleshy chests that contain the bio-electrical details that they are known for.

Their heads are both bare, and some are blindfolded as well. The close combat versions are wreathed in cog plate, and the shooting variant (with the wrist mounted weapons) have yet more archaic equipment grafted into their backs and heads.

They both share the same robed legs which look similar to the zealots of olde, and are topped with a very American wrestling championship styled belt crowned with a large Mechanicus cog. Their bases are smaller than 40mm.


old 40k rules for the priests


Faeit may have cracked the case of exactly what those models are armed with in his post today;

Electro-Priests are not troops like earlier rumors were saying today, instead both Electro-Priests units are Elites. Its a dual kit with Fulgurite Electro-Priests and Corpuscarii Electro-Priests. Energy Fields give both units a 5++.

Fulgurites have staves with enhanced strength and can get a 3++ for the rest of the game if they wipe out a unit in close combat.

Corpuscariis have gauntlets that are assault weapons shooting with a 12″ range, and can also be used in close combat.

Both weapons have other abilities as well that fit with the Electro-Priests. They can be taken groups of up to 20.

Well that sounds pretty exciting! Judging by the look of the Skitarii models I am sure the Electro-Priests will be a crowd pleaser.

I wonder size base they will end up with, we haven’t seen T3 model 32mm base yet…