New Monster Sighted? End Times Thanquol Pics

By Rob Baer | January 3rd, 2015 | Categories: End Times, Warhammer 40k Rumors

glottkin walpaper

A new End Times poster just leaked, and it looks to be Thanquol riding a new monster sized Boneripper!


Remember that End Times poster that leaked before the Glottkin model for the End Times Book 2?  It showed a big Nurgle Lord riding a huge monster of sorts, which we all assumed to be the rumored Glottkin.

A few weeks later, Games Workshop released the Glottkin model, and it looked just like the drawing on the poster.

Fast forward to now, and we have this poster spotted earlier today by an avid hobbyist at a Games Workshop store, courtesy of Forge the Narrative.

thanquil edit

Well what do you make of this? Will we see a Thanquol on Monster model soon?

If you forgot what Thanquol looks like checkout this fan art of Thanquol and Boneripper below. Note the similar staff on the caster and the cannon arms on both oneripper and the big rat pictured above on the poster.


It also appears that there may be a new Grey Seer model offering as well.

Chronowraith over on the BoLS Lounge posted this still from the Games Workshop Skaven Video that released on Friday showing what appears to be a new Grey Seer model!


Looks like the Skaven may have made out better that the elves did with their End Times release.

Get the full scoop in our  End Times 4 Rumor Roundup