Don’t miss out on all the great specialist games releases this week from GW as we take a first look at the latest for Necromunda and Blood Bowl.
This week GW is showing the love to the two of their most popular games other that AoS and 40k. Let’s see what’s new this week.
Blood Bowl: Halfling Pitch:
The Greenfield Grasshuggers:
Kal Jericho and Scabs: 
Team Card Pack: Halfling Team:
Halfling Team Dice: 
Necromunda: Badzone Environments & Events Cards:
Necromunda Card Sleeves:
Necromunda: The Book of Peril (Hardback):
That’s it for this week’s pre-release roundup, be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.