New Necromunda Hired Gun Coming To XBOX!

Necromunda Hired Gun feature rNecromunda: Hired Gun is a first-person shooter Warhammer game in the works Microsoft may have just spoiled it.

It looks like they meant to do this, as the store page with the images is still up. Just know, to see them all, you have to put in your birthday. The new FPS is set, obviously, in Necromunda, as you take control of a bounty hunter to take down the scum of the Underhive. The game is set to release on June 1st for at least the Xbox, so not much longer to wait now.

necromunda hired guyThere will be tons of weapon options, so hopefully, some of your favorite weapons will make it into the game and you can wreak havoc with them! What’s even better? You get a Cyber Mastiff to run around the world with you.

Necromunda: Hired Gun Screenshots Revealed by Microsoft

Necromunda Hired Gun


Necromunda Hired Gun 2Let’s hear a little more from them about the gameplay to expect:

Navigate an ocean of crime and corruption to balance the bloody ecosystem of Necromunda as a merciless hired gun. The money’s good, the dog’s loyal, and the gun’s reliable – but can you survive the hunt? Necromunda: Hired Gun is an indie fast-paced, violent, and thrilling FPS set in the darkest reaches of Warhammer 40,000’s most infamous hive city.

Necromunda Hired Gun 5Looks like your cyber best friend can inflict some serious damage! Also, we’re not sure why he’s holding a rat, maybe like a rat bomb? If the weapons are really that endless this could be really fun.

Necromunda Hired Gun 4For the right price, eliminate the most notorious gangers and mutants. Your armory is a sprawling arsenal. Body is enhanced with a dozen customizable augments to run on walls and leap over chasms. Your cyber-mastiff will sniff out and kill enemies for you, while your grappling hook allows quick, agile traversal of the massive environments.

Looks like the combat will be pretty sprawling and with all kinds of acrobatic maneuvers.

Necromunda Hired Gun 3With these being screenshots from the actual game, the graphics are looking pretty awesome. And from the looks of it, they’ll be some serious enemies to hunt down!

Are you excited about the new game? What do you think about the screenshots? 

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