New Necromunda: Klovis the Redeemer & Deacon Malakev

new-necromunda-modelsGet ready to bring more redemption to the Underhive, as Klovis the Redeemer & Deacon Malakev have been spotted- check it out!

Warhammer Community unveiled two new characters coming to the House of Faith in the Underhive Informant. If you can’t get enough of destroying the faithless, well, these are right up your alley! With the Liber Excruciatus and an eviscerator, Klovis is sure to inspire extreme faith. Well, maybe not faith, but plenty of fear! 

Klovis the RedeemerThe main gang went on pre-order with the Sisters stuff a few weeks ago. So, if you just can’t get your fill of insane gangers, this is great news! You may also have seen Klovis before, as he has appeared in The Redeemer graphic novel that collected the old Warhammer Monthly comics from the late 1990s (you can pick it up on Amazon, but it’s really pricey).

So getting to play with him will be really cool!

New Necromunda: Klovis the Redeemer & Deacon Malakev

Klovis the Redeemer 2If you think the giant eviscerator he’s carrying is his most dangerous weapon, you need to think again. That book he’s holding is the Liber Excruciatus, and it contains every method of torture the Redeemer has ever carried out. 

In the heat of battle, he’s been known to open it and read out some of the horrific things he’s done to scare off his foes.

Anyone who can wield an eviscerator one-handed is scary in his own right, then you add in the fact he can just make enemy fighters flee by reading out how he’s going to torture them, this becomes quite the frightening mini!

Klovis the Redeemer 3Against weak-minded enemies, this is going to be a seriously annoying ability. He’s not coming to the game by himself though, he has quite the sidekick!

Klovis the Redeemer 4If you’re wondering who writes down all of those disgusting acts, look no further than Klovis the Redeemer’s sidekick – Deacon Malakev. He’s always found scurrying around after his master, and we’ve got some pict grabs of him too.

Klovis the Redeemer 5As well as being his dedicated follower, Malakev is also the Redeemer’s personal bodyguard. He’s happy to give his life to save his master.

Not sure how he will perform combat-wise, but having a model who can take all the range attacks from Klovis is pretty cool!

Do you like the new minis? Will you be adding them to your gang?

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