NEW NECRONS – Release Rumors & Model Kits

By Rob Baer | December 28th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Like an ancient crypt world awakening from it’s slumber, the Necron release rumors are starting to build up steam. Here’s the latest.

From everything we’ve heard over the last month or so, it appears that most sources are starting to agree on things.

First off is the presumed release of Necrons around the end of January.

Then we have the actual model line-up which seems to sorta differ from the whole “Grey Knight Release” of no new models, to just a few select kits.

necrons-new-01 (1)

Of course we’ve seen from the Shield of Baal Exterminatus there is a new Necron Lord model for sure so it seems like it’s not too hard to believe the more revised list of new models that’s been presented below.

So here is where we stand as of now on the new Necrons. (collected by Larry over at BoLS)

via Nostromodamus on 12-27-2014

There will be a plastic Cryptek along with a new Destroyer Lord. That is all I am aware of for Necrons at this time. Don’t count on too many new units until the ranges are fully converted to plastic.

Now compare this with word from a couple days back:
via Darnok 12-23-2014

Necrons will hit on the 31th of January (so advance orders are up on the previous Friday, the 23rd). Codex, clampack character, and an army box – the latter probably a bit after the book/character.

Then take a look back to last month:

Codex Necrons:


Little to no new models (a la Grey Knights)
(scattered chatter says perhaps 1 character clampack and 1 Destroyer/DestroyerLord plastic kit)

Full Necron Rumor Roundup

~ So things are starting to gel around Crypteks and (Destroyer) Lords.  The one consistent rumor is of a new Lord (of some type) and possibly one other model.