November’s New Infinity Miniatures From Corvus Belli

New April Infinity Miniatures Coming Soon From Corvus BelliIf you’re already looking for new models, then the November Infinity miniatures lineup might just be perfect for you!

With the new edition of Infinity in full swing, it’s time to start adding some new units to your forces! Word on the street is the game is getting easier to get into, so if you’ve been thinking about trying it out, now is the time!

These new releases give you a unique way to add more minis to your forces and even a huge starter pack for CodeOne. Just keep in mind that these will be released in late November, but not really that far away now. 

So get those hobby dollars saved up if you want to hop on any of the pre-orders. Like all of their minis, these are super detailed and make fun painting projects even if you don’t play. Let’s take a closer look at the minis!

CodeOne: Nomads Collection Pack: 265,00 €

November Infinity ReleasesThis is the perfect way to get into the Nomads in one buy with a lot of minis! Plus, who doesn’t want more minis in one go?

November Infinity Releases 2Here’s what they have to say about the new set:

This box includes the 27 miniatures of the entire CodeOne range of the Nomads army, as well as the CodeOne rules booklet in English. This box is the perfect way to get the entire collection of the Nomads wandering nation.

CodeOne: Ariadna Collection Pack: 265,00 €

November Infinity Releases 3Here’s what they have to say about the new set:

This box includes the 25 miniatures of the entire CodeOne range of the Ariadna army as well as the CodeOne rules booklet in English. This box is the perfect way to get the entire collection of the brave Ariadna.

November Infinity Releases 4If you love all things infinity, check out what else is going on with the game! That does it for this one; now go get some awesome new mini!

Click Here to Get Your November Infinity Miniatures!