Plastic Perfection: Horus Heresy Unveils MK III Iron Armor & Deredeo!

gw-previews-nova-horus-heresy-deredeoNew plastic Horus Heresy MK III Iron Armor Tactical Squad, Deredeo Dreadnought, and even a battlegroup are on the way.

This is what Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community had to say about Horus Heresy miniatures, along with our commentary on it as well!

Deredeo Dreadnought – Warhammer: The Horus Heresy

NOVA Open 2023 Reveals!

Nova Open 2

This massive preview will cover Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, The Horus Heresy, Blood Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warcry, and The Old World, making it a must-see for everyone.

A 9 p.m. preview on a Wednesday night here in the States, what a great time for some Warhammer!

New Plastic MK III Horus Heresy Tactical Squad & Deredeo Revealed By GW!

MK III Horus Heresy Tactical Squad


MK III Horus Heresy Tactical SquadFirst, there will be a new MK III Iron armor plastic kit, and they mention it will be compatible with all the existing upgrade kits.

MK III Horus Heresy Tactical Squad


MK III Horus Heresy Tactical SquadIf you’ve been praying for a new mark of armor, Games Workshop has heard you!

MK III Horus Heresy Tactical Squad


MK III Horus Heresy Tactical SquadIt looks like there will be a decent number of options in the kit, and having more Marks of Armor in plastic is always lovely.

New Plastic Deredeo Dreadnought on the Way!

MK III Horus Heresy Tactical SquadWhile this has been resin for a long time, it’s finally nice to have it in plastic!

MK III Horus Heresy Tactical Squad


MK III Horus Heresy Tactical Squad

As you’ve come to expect from once resin kits converted into practical plastic, the eminently posable Deredeo comes with plenty of options to provide a long-range gun platform of exquisite utility. For your primary weapons, pick from an arm-mounted Anvilus autocannon battery or a Hellfire plasma cannonade, alongside an Aiolos missile battery and a choice of torso-mounted heavy bolters or heavy flamers. 

MK III Horus Heresy Tactical SquadUnfortunately, this is still a Legends unit for 40k, but it does have all the guns!

Legiones Astartes Battle Group Box

Legiones Astartes Battle Group Box

But where to acquire this fabulous new gear? It’ll all be available at first in the forthcoming Legiones Astartes Battle Group. This massive box contains a whopping THIRTY MK III Tactical Space Marines, one Deredeo Dreadnought, and a Land Raider Proteus for good measure. 

But that’s not it! You also get a Legion Special Weapons set, containing five lots each of plasma guns, meltaguns, flamers, rotor cannon, volkite chargers, and volkite calivers. Shove them into the Land Raider, and deliver your choice of high-energy death to the enemies/adherents of the Emperor!

This will be the first place you can get the new minis, and there is plenty in the battle group! With a Land Raider, a Deredeo, and 30 Marines, this is quite the big box!

Let’s hope the price is nice on this, as it will probably be the only way to get the new minis for a while.

Here are our pricing estimates and our reasoning behind them:

  • 30 MK III Tactical Space Marines $125 (same price as the MKIV Marines $80 for 20 or $45 for 10)
  • Deredeo Dreadnought $75 (Based on the Contemptor, but could be the same as Leviathan at $100)
  • Land Raider Proteus $110 (existing)
  • Legion Special Weapons set $56 (existing)

Total MSRP: $366

Total savings versus the estimated (based on Battleforces) $230 box price: $131

Will the Legiones Astartes Battle Group be Worth It?


Even if this goes as high as $250, this will be super worth it! Not only will you get the new minis, but there should be a lot of value inside. This will also be a great box if you want to collect a demi-legion of marines and some larger armor pieces.

You also get a ton of special weapons that can be used to upgrade a large portion of your entire army. So, overall, this is a great-looking box with a good mix of miniatures inside, and we expect people to grab these up.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the new Horus Heresy Marks of Armor and plastic Deredeo Dreadnought?

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