New Primarch & Lumineth Realm-Lords Release This Week!

Dark Angels Lion eljohnsonLion El’Johnson the primarch of the Dark Angels, is finally releasing along with the Lumineth Realm-Lords, both months after their first teasers!

Warhammer Community just let us in on what’s going up on pre-order for the coming week!  Let’s check out what all is on the way to pre-order on September 5th. 


teclis modelFirst up, Teclis is here at last! Teased months ago, the greatest wizard the Mortal Realms has ever seen (sorry Nagash, you only know the one lore) is ready to shake up tabletops and painting stations around the world.

They May be joking a bit, but its true Teclis is one of the best mages in the universe. We should expect him to tear up any with his magical prowess. Prepare for a new contestant for the biggest/best model in AoS!

Vanari Wardens and Sentinels

Wardens and SentinelsThe Wardens and Sentinels are probably going to be the bread and butter for any Realm-Lords force. Whether you want a list that gets in there face or one that holds back and picks enemies apart with magic and arrows, you’ll want plenty of each of these units.

Light of Eltharion

Light of EltharionThe Light of Eltharion is also landing, meaning most of the starter box will be available separately. Sorry cavalry and the other character, maybe next release wave we will get them.

The Scinari Cathallar

The Scinari CathallarThe Scinari Cathallar, meanwhile, is a vital support wizard AND a cracking project for any painter to try their hand at.

If she didn’t have her iconography or feet sticking out, she’d look a little bit like a night haunt unit with the right paint! Definitely a unique looking model to have in an army.

Lumineth Realm-Lords Battletome

realm-lords battletomeIn standard fashion, the Battletome covering rules, background lore, and scenarios, will be available in both physical and electronic versions.

Lumineth Realm-Lords Endless Spells, Cards, and Dice

realm-lords spells dice and cardsThe Endless spells, Warscroll cards, and most unique D6s yet are also coming. If you want to sling spells, make your games a little more convenient, or just get some sweet themed dice, be sure to pick these up.

GW also said on their Facebook page that wave 2 of the Lumineth Realm-Lords will be releasing the following week.

horus heresy walpaper

Lion El’Johnson

Lion eljohnsn modelThis stunning model has been a long time coming, with the Lion having been an iconic part of Warhammer since its very earliest days. With a choice of weapons, helmet options and a wealth of detail that brings this legendary knight of Caliban to life, it’s a must-have for all Dark Angels collectors. 

Another primarch miniature is here, this time for the First Legion.

Horus Heresy Book 9: Crusade

Horus Heresy book 9 crusadeBook 9 of the legendary Horus Heresy campaign series is here. Crusade chronicles the bitter struggles of the Thramas campaign, as the Night Lords and Dark Angels fight for supremacy on the frontiers of the Imperium.

Expect to see tons for Dark Angels and Night Lords as they throw down, and perhaps some extras for other factions as well in the 31st Millenia.

Black library banner new


realm-lords blThe Lumineth Realm-lords will be released alongside their very own Black Library novel, allowing you to delve further into the fascinating lore and stories these luminous aelves have to offer. Available in hardback, eBook, Kindle and audiobook editions, we can think of little better to keep you company while you paint your new collection.

What do you think about the first wave of unique models for the Luminet Realm-Lords? Do you play Horus Heresy? Are you going to grab the Lion for your collection?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!