So many rumors in so little time! Checkout the veritable flood of Eldar Harlequin Rumors that just surfaced!
First off the latest from today;
Via BoLS 1-04-2014
Harlequins said to have access to the following transports:
-Wave Serpents
-RazorwingsCodex is described as:
– “thin”
– contains several formations
– no Lords of War
-Wave Serpents
-RazorwingsCodex is described as:
– “thin”
– contains several formations
– no Lords of War
Relics listed as:
– “Special” Harlequins Kiss
– Mask
– Web of Skulls (remember this from the original Rogue Trader Dark Reaper exarch mini)
– “Special” Shuriken pistol
– a Glaive
– an Orb
If you missed yesterday’s rumors about unit types and more, be sure to checkout the Harlequin Rumor Roundup to get up to speed!