New Savage Orruk for Direchasm Looks Like Wolverine!

warhammer underworlds savage orruksA wild new Savage Orruk revealed today is the first member of the new Warhammer Underworlds Direchasm Warband coming in May.

Who doesn’t like an Orruk that looks like Wolverine? We sure do! The mini, spotted on Warhammer Community, is just a teaser of what’s coming in May for Direchasm. Even if you don’t play the game, he could make for a really cool character for your normal Orruk army.

We, like many people, guessed this would be the next Warband. So even though we had an idea it was coming, it’s always fun to see the new reveals!

Underworlds Roadmap Revealed

RoadmapFrom the previews a few weeks ago, it looks like we won’t see the full Death Warband in action until April, but that’s not really too far off now. After that, it’s savage Orruks time!

Let’s get into the new mini.

GW Reveals New Savage Orruk for Direchasm

New Savage Orruk

Honestly, the Savage Orruks were some of the coolest minis when they came out, but it’s been many years now and they’ve fallen behind somewhat. So, it’s super nice to see them get an update, even if it is just a few guys! But, we’ve seen them release something like this before they do a rework to the whole line. Who knows, maybe Orruks and Orks will line up with releases and we’ll just get an entire month of Orky goodness! They also revealed some of his cards, so let’s take a look.


Savage Orruk Card 3Reward yourself for taking out any enemy fighters that might think they’re tougher than an Orruk with Biggest and Meanest.

Orruks don’t like when people get uppity with them and start to think they’re tougher than them!

Savage Orruk Card Keep your options open with Stab! Stab! Stab! – a Hybrid Surge card that rewards your boys for getting stuck in.

Once they get started on the warpath, not much is going to stop a Savage Orruk!

Savage Orruk Card 2Finally, we have a universal ploy that emphasizes the eternal struggle between Hunter and Quarry.

This one is pretty straightforward and dealing extra damage is never a bad thing!

What do you think about the new mini? Would you like to see the whole in of Savage Orruks get a rework?

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