The new Sisters of Battle models, 40k terrain, and Delaque minis are here – check out the lineup and sprues for this week’s pre-orders.
If you remember from the preivews, the Sisters combat patrol box is basically the exact same box as the Army box with a Rhino added in and a codex/cards weretaken out. It has a strange smattering of very small units, but it does save you some cash, so if you need the minis inside, it does have some value.
Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol
Aestred Thurga and Agathae Dolan
Battlezone: Mechanicus Terrain
Battlezone: Mechanicum – Terrain Datasheet Cards
House of Shadow
Delaque Gang Tactics Cards & Dice
Nacht-Ghul Psy-Gheists and Piscean Spektor Set
Orlock Weapons & Upgrades set
Are you excited about the new Sisters and House Delaque?
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