New Skeleton Cavalry Make For Great Old World Tomb Kings Alternatives!

Skeleton Cavalry and Chariots Fill out your Old World Tomb Kings for less with these sick alternative Skeleton Cavalry and chariot models from Wargames Atlantic!

Wargames Atlantic is always coming out with incredible new models, and their kits are always affordable and full of detail. This new set is no different. With the set being available, you can get as many sets as you need right now. With just one box, you’ll be getting 15 skeletons, four horses, and two dual-horse chariots to combine together however you see fit! With The Old World back up in action, these guys would look great as alternative models for the Tomb Kings!

Skeleton Cavalry & Chariots: $39.95

Skeleton Cavalry and Chariots Tomb Kings Alternative

Here’s what they have to say about this set:


The Undead Hordes rise to bring their terrible might against the Free Kingdoms of the High Queen. Charging forward on skeletal steed and in chariots long unused, they seek their vengeance against the living.

Skeleton Cavalry and Chariots 2

This hard plastic box set allows you to build several options: up to 10 cavalry, up to 2 chariots with crew, and with 25 foot and mounted warriors. One combinations could be 1 chariot with crew, 8 cavalry, and 8 foot warriors. Or 10 cavalry and 10 foot warriors. Or 2 chariots, 6 cavalry, and 6 foot soldiers. Models can be equipped with bow, javelin, or sword and with options for full command.

Skeleton Cavalry and Chariots 3For those of you looking to make a massive army, they’ve got discounts set in place for bulkier purchases!

Multi-Buy Deals!

Buy 3 Boxes for $109/£85

Buy 5 Boxes for $165/£125

Buy 10 Boxes for $299/£225

Skeleton Cavalry and Chariots up close Tomb Kings AlternativeDon’t let these bones pass you by; go pick yourself up some Skeleton Cavalry today!

Click Here To Get Your Tomb Kings Alternatives!