New AoS Soulblight Gravelords Vampires Are Here

Soulblight walA new Vampire based faction is here as the Soulblight Gravelords have been given the spotlight during the online preview.

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW The Faith & Damnation Preview

faith and damnation preview

 Allow us to restore your faith next weekend with the massive reveals we’ll be showing off in the upcoming Warhammer Preview Online: Faith & Damnation. We’ll be sharing new models and expansions for:

faith and damnation contents

There is a little bit for everyone in this preview it seems! If you missed any of the last previews here they are for a quick recap!

All the Latest GW Previews:

Now let’s check out the newest stuff!

New AoS Soulblight Gravelords Vampires Are Here






skele boy

Soulblight Gravelords

soulblight gravelordsIt’s stuffed to bursting with a wealth of content for Nagash’s undead legions too, so budding generals of the Death grand alliance definitely won’t want to miss it. After all, Kritza, the Rat Prince isn’t the only vampire setting forth in search of victims – stay tuned to Warhammer Community to find out more.

The new faction of course brings a new battletome, with new rules, lore, battleplans, & everything associated with faction releases in AoS.

Of course, new models are on the way, so let’s take a look at the ones we saw.

Blood Knights

blood knightsLeading legions of the undead in their conquest are the Vampire Lords, frighteningly powerful, immortal tyrants (and definitely not someone to cross in a dark alley), and their elite vampire Blood Knight cavalry.

These models desperately needed an update and these hit the spot! Other than looking absolutely fantastic, they will be getting new rules in the battle tome. It’s a good time to love some Blood Knights.

Deathrattle Skeletons

new skeletons

The Deathrattle Skeletons form the backbone of many Soulblight Gravelords armies, lending the martial might of fallen heroes to the vampires’ dread ambitions.

Deadwalker Zombies

ZombiesDeadwalker Zombies, as you might imagine, aren’t the fastest or most skilled of combatants, but that’s scant comfort when thousands of the blighters are slowly shuffling towards you.

Just like the skeletons, these zombies share a lot with the Cursed City release. Which might lead to more of the line (perhaps the characters?) coming to the faction as well.


Fell batsThese giant Fell Bats are a dab hand at both. They’re also rather good at sinking their teeth into terrified foes, in case you were wondering.

No Vampire faction would be complete without some unsettling monsters on their side. These Bats definitely fit the bill.

How do you feel about an updated vampire faction? Are you a fan of Blood Knights? Are you excited?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!