New Star Wars: Legion Gar Saxon & Legion Cards Pre-Order!

Gar Saxon featureWhile theStar Wars: Legion Gar Saxon kit is still on pre-order, you can order it secure yours now, and check out all the new cards!

Now is the time if you’ve been waiting to get into the game! Come on; you love Star Wars, and you might as well play it on the tabletop. If you’ve already been playing, you’ll be been getting tons of options to expand your forces. Star Wars: Legion is just a really fun game, and with all the additions, each game will have even more flavor.

Atomic Mass Games revealed this new set and a bunch of the cards. The only downside is they won’t be released until June 17th, but that’s really not too far away now.

The new model will really let you grab some interesting units with some really fun sculpts.

Star Wars: Legion Gar Saxon: $19.99

Gar SaxonThis is just a really cool box with a really cool character inside! If you love everything Star Wars: Legion, check out what else is going on with it. here’s what they have to say about the set:

The ruthless Mandalorian warrior Gar Saxon blasts his way into Star Wars: Legion as a commander in Maul’s Shadow Collective! Filled with a desire for power and dominance, Saxon gives players even more options for their Shadow Collective forces with his elite Mandalorian training. What’s more, three command cards represent the brute strength and underhanded tactics he’s willing to use to ensure victory.


Gar Saxon 2

Finally, seven upgrade cards give players the chance to equip Saxon with an array of deadly weaponry, including his iconic Galar-90 rifle, jetpack rockets, and a ZX flame projector.

New Cards:

Gar Saxon CardsLet’s hear about the new cards from AMG themselves:

Gar Saxon’s unit card fully reflects his abilities as a soldier. His upgrade bar is extremely flexible, boasting a staggering seven options: two training, one comms, two gear, and two armament slots. This suite of choices is complimented by his inherent abilities. Gar Saxon has Jump 2 and Impervious, which reflect his equipment and the protection provided by his armor. He also has Compel, allowing friendly units in range 1-2 to gain a suppression token to make a free move action.

Gar Saxon Cards 2

Like any good Mandalorian, Gar Saxon has a large number of weapon options to bring to the battlefield. With 3 red attack dice, Impact 2, and Blast, his Z-3X Jetpack Rockets are the ideal choice when fighting armored targets or picking off low-wound units. This weapon also notably has the Cycle keyword, which automatically readies the Jetpack Rockets if you did not use them during his activation.

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As a Commander of the Shadow Collective, Gar Saxon has access to a trio of new command cards to help lead his forces. Victory or Death! gives Gar Saxon and friendly special forces units Outmaneuver, as well as an aim to any unit issued an order with the card. Fight Another Day has a similar effect, but a smaller command range and dodge tokens instead of aims. Both these cards synergize with Defend 1 on the Mandalorian Super Commandos and reflect Gar Saxon’s competency as a leader.

Pre-Order Gar Saxon Here!