New Tau Picture Dump Part II & Heavy Duty Rumors

By Rob Baer | March 18th, 2013 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Here the Super Heavy Collection of the most recent Tau Rumors from and pictures from Faeit.  Lots of chatter towards the end of the week about these guys, and now we have tons of pictures!

Either way, makes for a great read!  Please remember that these are rumors (besides the pictures which look quite real), and like always require a little bit of salt. -MBG

Oh and be sure to checkout the other Tau rumors HERE!

From Faeit 212
There are more pics here this morning, as we start up our next week looking at what is probably going to be a mostly Tau week. Check these out….. and notice that Commander Farsight is there.

Pics can be found here over on 3++