NEW TAU? – Rumors Latest!

By Rob Baer | June 4th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

tau meme
Tau on the way? Checkout the parting rumors shot from one of the best out there.

via Lords of War (facebook) 6-4-2015

Here are some parting truths about Tau:
They will have a new Fire Warrior box. Two types of units can be made.
New Crisis Suits
More commander suits
New Riptide sized Suit that has large missiles
Looks like a Tau Aegis Defense line with circular weapon platforms.
Don’t know about the rules, so don’t ask.
which builds upon his previous rumors from Q1:
via Lords of War (facebook) 3-28-2015
Regarding the Space Marine vs Tau boxed set:
Raven guard vs Tau and should be out before Tau release.

Checkout the latest below!

Full Tau Roundup

~  Whoa boy – this is sounding like a BIG Tau release with 4-5 major kits.