New Tau Terrain & Lizardmen on the Way This Week!

By Rob Baer | October 26th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

tau walpaper crisis

Come see the swan song of Tau releases and a throwback to Fantasy. The Lizardmen are returning!

Multiple retailers are chiming in with the upcoming week of releases from Nottingham:

As expected, the Tau Tidewall is appearing 2 weeks in it’s individual components:

Tidewall Shieldline £30

Tidewall Droneport £30

Tidewall Gunrig £35

Age of Sigmar Returns!  We’ve been hearing for a bit of the switch to the existing WFB races and of another campaign book to come out before the end of the year.  It looks that both of those come true with a 1 week return to Age of Sigmar:

Seraphon Battletome £30

144 Hardcover book with full history of the Seraphon, thier journey from the old WFB world to the Age of Sigmar and thier eternal battle versus Chaos.

Thunderbeast Host £125

Seraphon boxed set (existing range minis) at a 20% discount.  Includes:

1 Carnosaur w/rider

2 Stegadons

3 Terradons

~ Next up: HORUS HERESY!